29 gallon FW build log

The plants look good, and I really like the layout. Be aware that Anubias plants grow very slowly, so you'll want to add more plants to the tank.
I think the onion bulb should just slightly stick out of the gravel.

What concerns me:
The glass bowing.
Can you get a shot of the corner of the tank? I'd like to see how think the glass is, and how well sealed the seems are.
You are positive that what you have is an aquarium, and not a lizard cage right?

Looks good so far.


Sep 11, 2007
no - it's certainly bowing... it's an "all glass aquarium", or so it was sold to me as one at the LFS. The name on the warranty card is "LEE MAR" and the card refers to it as an aquarium. Glass is quarter inch thick. Salesman sold it as more of a show aquarium as opposed to the same size, same brand, same price that had a real thick bead of sealant on it. Said AGA is starting to use more of a thick bead and these won't be coming in much anymore. Since he had nothing to gain by selling this one over the other one, I took him at his word.

here are several photos:


If the warranty card has a phone number you may want to call them and ask AGA what they think.
They are a good company and I would expect them to stand behind their product.
With that said I did do a google search which linked me to another forum the conclusion of which said that it may be normal for a small bow to form.

I'm sure it would be harder to tell, but is the back bowing too?

Sep 11, 2007
starting to have a different angel issue now... my tetras are super active and angels are...well... angels. It seems whenever feeding time comes, the tetras have gorged themselves on 3/4 of the food by the time the angels even realize it's there. I know that fish are opportunistic feeders, so it's not like the tetras are going to say "I'm full, I'm not going to eat that"... so that means feeding until the tetras are full and the angels can eat wouldn't work, right?

they do get some food, but not as much as I think their size warrants.

Sep 11, 2007
i did get ahold of a liquid test kit, and it is much much more accurate. Things are pretty consistent in the water, which I'm hoping means I did it right!

The angels have all calmed down in the last couple days... I think they heard talk that I was going to return some of them. I'm liking the idea more and more of keeping just one... if so, 15-20 (my regular striped angel) will be that one. he/she seems to be swimming with and getting along with MC, so if I keep two, those will be them. Either way I'll make my returns on friday or saturday.

I had thought that tetras were pretty passive peaceful community fish... my silvertips are insane. They constantly chase each other and I'm pretty sure are trying to kill one specific tetra. This one always stays away from the herd and is rapidly losing color. I'm thinking I need to return that one too, when I go. maybe rasoboras would have been the way to go for peaceful schoolers??

Sep 11, 2007
okay - so tomorrow I take back two angels... phantom and MB. 15-20 and MC are always swimming together and never nip at each other, so I'm hoping they continue to tolerate each other. After I drop them off, I'm buying a few more plants and some loaches. I'm thinking yoyos at this time... they seem very active and personable, and they'll eat all these darn snails that hitchiked in on my last batch of plants.

Added some lava rock today, My brother got it while working out in the field, and I rinsed/boiled it and then added it in with a 15-20% water change. Whatever 5 gallons out of 29 is... 16%?

My next task is to find a lighting rig that will give my tank more than 20 watts for the 29 gallons. Right now I only have a single bulb fluor rig... recommendations for light-moderate planted freshwater? One that doesn't break the bank, hopefully.

Sep 11, 2007
here's an odd question... every so often i see my angels "stretch" their mouths wiiiiide open. Much wider than usual. It's not very often as I've seen it only a handful of times, and it's not at the surface so I think my aeration is fine (75 gal filter in my 29 gal tank)

It's just really odd... any idea what they're doing? Anyone seen this before?

Sep 11, 2007
the tank is almost done... boy - it's flown past!

down to 8 silver tip tetras... two got singled out by the others and were harassed until they just listlessly floated there and lost all their coloring. The remaining 8 still chase each other like madmen, but they're all colorful and healthy looking, so I hope that means they're happy.

Two angels that get along beautifully (so far) I know it's ambitious to hope they'll always get along like this being that they're angels, but I am ambitious.

1 rubber lip pleco that hides from me, but I can see his little face so I know he's still around.

3 yoyo loaches that came in today. -super- active little guys!

lots more plants. I'll get a pic soon. Anachris was a big addition, along with a red-leafed plant that looks like anachris...

The last thing on my list is better lighting now. and since it's expensive, it'll be on my list for a little bit while I save for it.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Very nice progress, forrest! *thumbsups
Those silvertip tetras look great in there. I like your angels too. Everything seems to work nicely together. I'd like to see lots more plants---especially more of the val---but I'm sure they'll grow for you before too long. ;)

forrestcook said:
every so often i see my angels "stretch" their mouths wiiiiide open. Much wider than usual.

It's just really odd... any idea what they're doing? Anyone seen this before?
Yes, my angelfish do this as well.
Matter of fact, so does my oscar and, come to think of it, every other type of cichlid I've ever had. I refer to it as "yawning," but in all honesty I have no idea what it really is. It looks like the fish is 'stretching' its body as well whenever it does this. Nothing to be alarmed about, I don't think.


Sep 11, 2007
Okay - on to looking at lighting... I've been hearing T5 is a good way to go? Seems awfully cheap, and being that there are fewer watts in a T5 bulb, I'm concerned that this is not true...

link: T5 30 inch setup

More expensive "compact fluorescent" $75 for 65w: compact fluorescent

$68 65w compact setup with blue LEDs (dont think i need night lighting...) compact setup 2

I currently have a single strip fluorescent 20w for my 29 gallon tank (it came with it... didn't buy it) Are my links decent products? or is there something above and beyond those that i should really take a look at? It seems odd to me that the T5 is so hyped, but I would get fewer watts out of it...


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
The first one you linked to probably won't give you enough light for plants. If you do go for a T5 fixture, you'd need to get something like a four-bulb fixture. There's one on the site here: Nova Extreme HO T5 Aquarium Lighting Systems - 10,000 | T5 Lighting | Lighting Systems | Aquarium - ThatPetPlace.com with two bulbs, which would barely cover your needs, but is around the same price as the others.

The second one you linked (Coralife) is a good fixture. I have several of them, and never had any problems.

The third one is supposedly good. I've heard they're reasonable quality. The moonlight can be nice, and it's a good price, too.

Tank looks great, by the way :D

Sep 11, 2007
So I have decided to completely steal Zulu's idea of posting a video of his tank, and post a video of my tank! here it is: video

Still a little blurry, but good enough to get the picture, I think.

P.S. I think others should hop on the bandwagon... pictures are nice, but video is nicer.

Sep 11, 2007
one of my angels appears to be losing it's color... my water stats (as of 5 minutes ago) are ph 7.8, amm 0, nitrIte 0, nitrAte 5... The stripes on my striped boy are very slight right now... the insides of his gills seem a bit pinker than usual, as well - though that could be my imagination. What are the reasons he may be losing his color? He otherwise seems happy and healthy.... but I think he's definitely lighter in color. it jumped out at me when I looked at him.