Room mate is is upgrading his 16 gallon into a 29 gallon. It will contain a large school of rasboras (9ish), 4 or so emerald cories, a male betta, and most likely a pair of Bolivian rams.
It will be planted with a mixed substrate of black gravel and eco-complete. It'll be full of driftwood, river looking rock, and possibly a type of slate.
Here it is before we noticed it needed a few more coats of paint on the Background.
We are using a 10 gallon as quarantine and to cycle the new filter, an aquaclear 50. It will has a stealth heater and the light I currently have on my 46 gallon (65 watt compact flourecent.)
Should be a nice little project. I think the filter will be cycled within the next week and then the tank will be set up.
It will be planted with a mixed substrate of black gravel and eco-complete. It'll be full of driftwood, river looking rock, and possibly a type of slate.
Here it is before we noticed it needed a few more coats of paint on the Background.
We are using a 10 gallon as quarantine and to cycle the new filter, an aquaclear 50. It will has a stealth heater and the light I currently have on my 46 gallon (65 watt compact flourecent.)
Should be a nice little project. I think the filter will be cycled within the next week and then the tank will be set up.