29 gallon tank


Small Fish
May 27, 2004
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Hi, I have a 29-gallon tank that has been low on fish for a while and I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what could look good in my tank. Right now I have 1 neon tetra (I know I should have more and I had 5 more but they all died off slowly for various reasons and I haven’t been to the lfs to get more), 1 sail fin pl*co. Any ideas would be appreciated thanks. Oh yeah I would like to have a breeding group of panda cories but I don’t have to. Thanks

Apr 7, 2004
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Some more neons, white cloud minnows, couple of nice guppies. Panda cories are great, but not sure how easy they are to breed.....peppered corys are meant to be easier, and 3 or 4 would go well in your tank. Bear in mind that eggs would probably need to be raised in a separate tank, and is not easy at all! Corys also like a sand substrate, which looks really good IMO.....whilst you have only a couple of fish, now's the time to change any decor etc.
IMO, though, these fish will only look really great when in a well-planted tank - in fact, a really well planted tank can look stunning with even just a couple of fish cruising through the leaves. Worth a thought!


Small Fish
May 27, 2004
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I have thought about a planted tank before but I have heard that they are hard to keep and have to have special light and stuff added to the water. If thats not the case then let me know because i have been wanting to start an amazon aquarium with fish like German blue rams and rummy nose tetras. thanks for any info


Large Fish
Jan 28, 2003
Louisville ky
Heres my 29gal stock if this helps any:

23 > Neon Tetras
10 > Golden Zebra Danios
6 > Espes Rasbora
5 > Lemon Tetras
2 > Cherry Barbs
1 > Blind Cave Tetra
1 > Plecostomus
1 > Siamese Algae Eater
3 > Peppered Corys

Many would say this is overstocked but its been setup for almost a year with no problems. I do two %20 water changes weekly and use a penguin330 along with a internal filter for more current.

Apr 7, 2004
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Planted tanks do well with perfect lighting, CO2 etc, but I only have water and a sand substrate, and the plants love it. Saying that, I have a juwel fishtank which has twin light strips....guess this must help. The tank is also near a window, so they do get a nice bit of afternoon sun (as does the algae though)
I have just started to add tablets of fertiliser to the sand, which took literally three minutes. One trick I did which I highly recommend......when your tank is ready for planting, buy half a dozen different plants, and see how they fare....a couple will thrive (so get more of these), whereas some may die off due to your water hardness/softness, pH, light levels etc (avoid getting more of these). Simple test to do, which could save you a lot of money and heartache in the long run.
Basically, buy as much for the plant as you can afford etc....then try it out. Worst that can happen is you shrug and say 'Time for plastic plants'


Large Fish
Jan 28, 2003
Louisville ky
Originally posted by houseof6
How much would it cost to make a decent planted aquarim? I have no special lighting or CO2. And what kind of plants could go in an amazon themed tank? Any basic info would be appreciated. thanks
Cost all depends on what type/brand you buy but for a basic run down of what you would need check my post in this thread:


Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Overstocked IMO.

29gal 29gal...hmmmm the 3 rams and aspistos would fight to much and there are to many of them in there for a 29gal. Plus if you end up getting a pair, you would have an odd fish out.

The neon might get eaten and they are a schooling fish and should be in a group. What type of pleco? EDIT oh sailfin...missed that. I'm not to familiar with those.

I would pick either Aspistos or Rams and do AT MOST 2 pairs of them (one kind either rams or aspistos). The rummy nose tetras should be fine.


Small Fish
May 27, 2004
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i kind of figured that the rams and apistos might fight. if i kept 2 pairs of rams and moved them to their own 10 gallon when they started to show signs of breeding(i want atleast 1 breeding pair of rams) would they be ok with the tetras? I'm pretty sure the neon will be fine because a while ago i had rams and neons and the neons were more agressive than the rams. I have also heard that neons will school with rummy noses is that true. thanks for all the help