29G Ram Tank Journal


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
Well we've finally decided to get a tank that's bigger then 10 Gallons and after some careful thought we've decided to make a planted home for a pair of Bolivian Rams.

The Equipment:

29G Tank
200W 40-60 Heater
Penguin Biowheel 200 Filter
60W Full Spectrum Lighting (Likely going to need to be upgraded first)
Play Sand for substrate
Various Plants, Rocks and driftwood

The stocking list:
6 Black Skirt Tetras (3 will be relocated from my 10G)
6 Rummy nose or glolite tetras
4-5 Otos
2 Bolvian Rams (we may grab 4 juviniles to increase chances of having a pair)

So far. The sand is in, waiting for the water to uncloud then cycling and aquascaping shall begin!


Large Fish
Jan 15, 2008
34:09:39N, 118:08:19W
Tab, why do you think you need to upgrade the lighting? What sort of plants do you want to grow? Are you up for setting up a CO2 system? I've got a 65-watt bulb over my 29G (that just finished cycling :)). I'm content with that, but I'm not going to go for any plants that require high lighting.

Also, I was looking into rummynose tetras or glowlight tetras for my 29G, too! *thumbsups I'm going to go with the rummynose tetras (probably 8), even though they're a little more difficult, because they're so much fun to watch. I was also considering cardinals and black neons.

Are you concerned about overstocking? I only ask because it sounds like we're thinking of putting comparable bioloads into our tanks. If you feel confident about your plans, I'll feel more so, too. ;)


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
I'm pretty comfortable with the numbers that I'm planning for. Infact I thought I could handle a larger school if I went with the glow lights but for now I think 6 is a good number to shoot for. I'm really looking forwards to finally having a tank large enough to see my fish school a bit in.

I'm not planning a Co2 system, no. I use excell in my planted 10G and I'm pretty happy with the results I've had there (infact some of my plants there are growing so well I'm planning to use their offshoots in the new tank) but I have the room to go for one later (maybe a DIY) if I need to.

In the 10G I run 30 watts and I've been pretty satisfied with that as well, I'm hoping to eventually run 90 to 120 over the 29 and replace the hood with a glass top but that's well down the road.

Right now I'm planning to experiment a bit with plants. Because my other tanks are all so small I haven't been able to play with taller and broader plants very much as of yet. Once the sand settles down I'm going to start peeking around my local shops for some plant and drift wood ideas I think.


Large Fish
Jan 15, 2008
34:09:39N, 118:08:19W
Of course, you should do what you wish, but I would suggest sticking with the 60-watt bulb for the time being. My thinking here is that most people suggest that you start adding CO2 systems once you get above 2 WPG. I'm questioning whether or not I should go with some simple DIY CO2 with my 65-watt over a 29G tank. If you find the 60-watt bulb to be inadequate, upgrade from there (actually, now that I re-read your post, it sounds like that's your plan).

Good to hear that you think your stocking plans are sound! I, too, am eager to have enough room for my tetras to actually school around. *thumbsup2


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
Oh the 60W bulb will be there for a while! I won't be able to upgrade the lighting until likely the fall either way and if it does turn out working just fine I'll leave it as is.

And yes I know that they are generally recommended but since I'm already using Excell in the smaller tanks I figured I would at least give it a try in the larger one and see how it goes. I have a few small swords and grasses in my 10G that grew like weeds with out me having to add any carbon at all.


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
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Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008

I just got news that we're going to be moving in the next few months. Sadly it looks like we're going to have to put a hold on the ram tank until then. :(