K my 2ft tank have a total of 80 litres of water, My ammonia, nitrate and nitrite have been stable till today , about 1 n half month already,
I have 10 fishes( i know alot but i am putting constand bacteria
), the names are:
2 Ocellaris Clownfish,
1 Rare Maroon Clownfish,( instead of white on the strap, its yellow)
1 Red Cinnamon Clownfish(most aggressive),
1 blue tang(very crazy molesting all the other teammates by touch on their tails),
2 Firefish Purple(dam shy),
2 Firefish Helfrichi(dam shy, but not towards me),
I have like more then 6-8 kg of live rocks, those pictures i attach are the old one, i will send you guyz the new one in the evening of my current time.
I am using about 30 watts coral life light, Antinic and Daylight. Just nice for 2ft tank
For my reef supplement,
Seachem Reef Calcium,
Seachem Reef Advantage Calcium,
CombiSan(food disolve in water for Bacterias, corals, brittle worms to eat)
My Corals:
2 Biggest Sea Anemone coral,
1 smal Sea Anemone coral,
1 leather coral,
1 sea fang tree,
1 tube anemone,(I put it in the corner so that my tank mates will not get sting)
Currently my supplemets are making mushrooms growing on the live rocks
My Invertibles Are:
3 tube dust feather worms,
2 Scralet Skunk Cleaner Shrimps,
1 White Spot anemone shrimp,
i have change my top filter into a canister, i wil attach a picture now since i got it for the canister
Brand name is EHEIM CLASSIC,,,
Best Regards,