30 gallon, newbie, cant wait to get started

Jan 14, 2009
started the fishless cycle... and just waiting.. and waiting.

Found myself just staring at the tank last night wondering.. "hurry up.. when will you be done cycling!"


Large Fish
May 29, 2008
Memphis, TN
For tetras I'd say go with some glowlight or cardinal. Or perhaps some of the black ones?

Sand: I prefer it, it looks sharper in a tank and gives it a more realistic look (to me at least).

Filter: Get a HOB, they're easier. Aquaclears are popular, but I don't like them (I found them kinna loud) Whispers are good filters (by Tetra) My personal fav? Millennium 2000 It's what I have on my tank at the moment, I'm not sure if they still SELL them (I got mine with the tank from craigslist) but it's a quiet filter and it's WONDERFUL.

With Ottos, be careful the last few I've gotten have been kinna sickly and ill... Get a school of them, they like to school as do Corries. Ottos will clean the tank up good.

Also, sand will be great for corries... It's soft on their barbels...

For a centerpeice fish, no clue... I'd personaly go with a HUGE school of tetras :p

Dec 27, 2008
Tetras / Danios / Corys / Ottos
I would start with the danios first. And just add a couple of fish at a time. It's soooo hard to do, I know. lol! But letting the bioload catch up is important. Once you get the # of danios you want I'd start adding the corys (just a couple at a time!). I would stock the tetras and ottos last. Again I will stress adding just a couple per week of a particular species till you get the amount you want and then moving on to the next. You'll avoid lots of unnecessary deaths and you'll get to watch your tank grow into a thriving community.

Dec 27, 2008
The corys and ottos will be happier with lots of hiding places. My corys are busy lil bees and foraging the bottom all the time, but they need a places to chill out. The more cover the happier they seem and the more you'll actually see them.