33gal Reef Setup

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Ok so i'm slowly phasing in this project. It will eventually take over and replace my 2.5gal pico reef and become my main reef tank. An upgrade of course. I wanted the option to keep some fish as well as some SPS and various other coral. Like i said this project will be a slow project, my salary right now is not the best haha so i am trying to budget myself.

I want to do a tank in the 40+ range but since i have the 33 already, i'm using it to minimize cost.

Tank: 33gal on my overly large custom stand
Lighting: 2 250w MH retrofits 14000k
Filtration: 20-29gal sump/fuge (skimmer in sump)
Flow: 2 Powerheads, type TBD

Fish: 1 Flame Angel (depending on how it works with my SPS/Clams), 6line Wrasse
Coral: Mainly SPS, variety of LPS/Zoas. Possibly a Clam as well.
Inverts: Small Basic CUC of snails

Fish: Flame Angel (Again depending), some sort of Blenny
Coral: SPS, LPS, Zoas, Clams
Inverts: CUC, 1-2 Skunk Cleaners

As you can see livestock is still up in the air, but its usually the last thing in planning a tank so i have some time. As for the LR, thats just gonna be done by eye. I always tend to overshoot on Lbs. Any suggestions? I've just always loved the Flame angels...always wanted one.

Right now i have the Tank, Lights (no bulbs), tank for the sump, and enough LR and substrate to seed the tank.

Retrofit kits

Tank on custom stand. Sorry for the mess, to much fish stuff! :eek:

2.5gal pico as of now. Looks like crap, been gone for 6 months so its kinda just been going on its own with a few WCs by my family.

And no, the stand is not finished. :rolleyes:


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
That is weird! You have your stand built the same way i have mine except the board in the center is in the back and i have a 10 and 29gal on top and a 55 on the bottom.As for the system, sounds good! That is a lot of watts! Flame angels are cool, they are on my list once my tank matures for about 4 more months. I have read though that they every once in awhile you can get one that picks at corals and things like that. Good luck!

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Yeah some people might say its to much lighting, but i'm gonna try it. If it is i'll either upgrade the tank or just go with 1 250w and some T5s. ;)

I love that stand, 53" long, 43" tall (GREAT for viewing) so imagine a standard 55gal on its end, and its very sturdy. Its going to eventually have a solid wood top and plywood sides painted/stained of course. I left an area on the side as a little workspace when i built the stand. Gives me a small table to frag corals and such.

Heres a better view of the tank and stand



Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
The only thing that i dont have on my stand is one of the center supports.And i built mine just a little to big, 6ft long and 4ft high. I built it just a little to high, i think. When are do plan on getting bulbs for your lights, can you just buy then at like an lfs or do you have to order retro stuff from the internet?

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
I'm going to order the bulbs over the net sometime. Probably when i'm ready to set it all up. They can get expensive. $50-60 per bulb. Plus i don't want to risk breaking them when they are just sitting around.

The LFS might have some stuff, usually they just have full fixtures and keep the retros to themselves for display tanks and such. Cheaper online anyway. Hellolights is the way to go!

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
I agree, your setup should work out very nice. I would go for livestock option B. I'm in the process of starting up a tank very similar to this one and I was debating on using both of my MH or just 1. How high are you going to put off the water?

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Thanks everyone, can't wait to really start on it.

I agree, your setup should work out very nice. I would go for livestock option B. I'm in the process of starting up a tank very similar to this one and I was debating on using both of my MH or just 1. How high are you going to put off the water?
Not real sure, i think i'm just gonna have to see what looks good and keeps my tank at a fairly stable temp.

Ram, it will be balla very balla.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
So whats this that the FedEx man is dropping off at my house in the next week or so? Oh maybe some 250w lamps for my pendants! ;) I went ahead and ordered them, got them for a good price with 10% off so i took it.

Next up? Sump and skimmer. Sump i might try and DIY with a smaller tank, just get some glass cut for baffles and such. Or maybe make it all out of acrylic, havn't decided yet.

Any skimmer suggestions for this size tank? I'd like to stay around the $100-200 range. In-sump would probably be the best option too. Suggestions?

Step 1: Tank
Step 2: Lighting

Step 3: Filtration/sump/skimmer
Step 4: Water movement (powerheads/pumps)
Step 5: Substrate/LR/Water/CUC
Step 6: Coral/Fish

-Yet to come

Pics to come! Only 2-2.5 more weeks!

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Well looks like i'm gonna have to make a new thread now! The title does not fit the plans anymore! ;) Me being indescisive have decided to change it up a bit...more to come soon.

Oh hi whats this? A UPS tracking number for something thats 19lbs and shipped today? Hmmmm.....;) ;)

Updates to come!