3g nano project


Superstar Fish
Dec 10, 2006
its finally done.

i'll upload some pics when i have the time.

its a really crappy design and i messed up on the glueing many times...

anyways i tested it and no leaks.

my return chamber only goes down like 1 cm wiht 65 GPH so i that means i can increase the flow XD

do to some cuting error. there is a built in legging for my light. it acually worked out of the better.

im going to use my 13w PC lights for now. and see how things are going.


Superstar Fish
Dec 10, 2006
MAJOR update time

iv didnt have anytime to upload the pics until now.

heres a somewat a full shot.

me hacksawing the teeths....

baffles in place....finally....

return section. with a 1/2" hole...took me like 20 mins to drill that...it was a slow and delicate drill...plus its one of thos handheld electric screwdrivers...

my teeths...they work. thats wat matters

i "reinforced" everything with a thick layer of weld-on #16 its mesy but it works.

top view. i had to back out the back piece because i need to install a pump there...

a teeth fell off so glued it back...and held it up with tap

my leet glueing skillz XD

im going to start another tank like this one...and im open for suggestions and improvements...i know theres a lot.

in about 24 hours im going to fill it up again and see if theres any leaks. also going to do a overnite test in the bathtube...

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Superstar Fish
Dec 10, 2006
YahooFishKeeper said:
well... the parts that dont show glue look really good:p if it holds i think its gonna be pretty cool.

i basically messed up all the joints...well this is just a prototype.

im going to sand down the other (to get smoth edges) and use weld-on 3 or 4...
16 is just way too messy...

hopefully if i do it right it wont need to be reinforced.:)