its finally done.
i'll upload some pics when i have the time.
its a really crappy design and i messed up on the glueing many times...
anyways i tested it and no leaks.
my return chamber only goes down like 1 cm wiht 65 GPH so i that means i can increase the flow XD
do to some cuting error. there is a built in legging for my light. it acually worked out of the better.
im going to use my 13w PC lights for now. and see how things are going.
i'll upload some pics when i have the time.
its a really crappy design and i messed up on the glueing many times...
anyways i tested it and no leaks.
my return chamber only goes down like 1 cm wiht 65 GPH so i that means i can increase the flow XD
do to some cuting error. there is a built in legging for my light. it acually worked out of the better.
im going to use my 13w PC lights for now. and see how things are going.