46 Gallon Bowfront


Large Fish
Dec 25, 2007
Great Tank! Looks really nice... As far as Gourami go, you need to be careful in getting that pair you want... you might just want to get one. The pleco you mentioned also might eat your low light plants, so unless you plan on using them during the cycle I would wait for the roots to get in place really well. Good Luck.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
not getting the gouramis anymore, got keyholes and I dont think the pleco will be able to eat all the plants I have... shes really small still

Still in a nitrite spike, my water sprite kinda broke up a bit, some of it was dying so I floated the main part at the surface for a few days and it is now re-planted... hopefully it will take. My buddy with a Dempsey tank plans on hooking me up with some small baby plants soon.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
O never mind... I started mine around the 13th... and later that week is when you got your new 100 gallon so that's what I was thinking. I am still in a nitrite spike as of yesterday, still seems a bit cloudy like a bacteria bloom though. Water sprite is growing a bit and the dwarf sag sent out a third runner.

I tried to set up a snail trap one night but failed. I am just gonna have to pull them out manually once it gets out of hand. Right now I just don't like them because it seems like I have a 46 gallon tank for snails since there are no fish in there yet.

I actually had a dream about my tank last night and it was that I finished the cycle, added a bunch of new fish in there that night but in the morning found out i forgot to remove all the nitrates i produced and they were all dying. They were not my fish though. There was some angels and a giant oscar that was actually pushing around my huge driftwood... I also had a bunch of smaller tanks for crayfish and some random people to help me do water changes by the bucket. It was a weird one.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
That's a real trippy dream...

I got the replacement 100 on the 2nd, and set it up that same day. You're probably thinking about my 2nd massive die off after getting back from a trip on the 11th, and having to buy replacement plants and rescape again.

I have loads of snails on my 100 also. Roughly 90% of my pond snails have white shells to them though. I think they've been feasting on some of the remaining decaying plants. I really wish they'd stop having their massive snail orgies on the front glass, they've got plenty of plant cover! :p haha.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
So i have cycled for three weeks, pretty sure im still in the nitrite spike for the past two weeks but seems to be dropping... fish are still in small tank...

Bad news one of my keyholes tail seems to be cut.... it doesn't seem nipped like by one of the tigers (they are afraid of the keyholes) and doesn't seem to be fin rot because Ive seen it before. This is just two cuts sliced into the caudal fin about half way down the fin. My best bet is that it got messed up by the drift wood. I just did a w/c over the weekend and cleaned real well so I was hoping it wasn't a mini cycle due to the **** i found in the gravel and its not. I don't have any meds really beside 2 kinds of tap water cleanser that helps slime coat as well and some ich meds...

I just added some of that tap stuff cause it helps the slime coat and healing and it cant hurt to add a bit. I don't really wanna go to the store until the cycle is over and i buy new fish. Besides melafix any suggestions?

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unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
i tested the no2 this morning and it was zero, added some ammonia to make sure but then just did a HUGE water change to get rid of nitrates. Tested again and the nitrites are back up to .2 and the nitrates are still at least 40... i don't wanna do another w/c so im just gonna wait till later today and test no2 again... so bitter

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
so tank is done cycling and fish are in... It was an all day event here, w/c, moving fish, and buying new barbs for QT... Hopefully I'll get some pictures up soon. Also found a deal on a anubias coffeefolia for 3.99 so I jumped on that... its a tiny one but looks nice. The fish seem a lot more happy in the big tank, they don't even know what to do with the new space. I got some cherry barbs but the females are mostly pretty small, o well..

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unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
So since I had 4 barbs originally (2 tiger/2cherry) i put them in the 46... Got 4 more of each for the 16... Went a good place to get them but the tigers were really small so I went to another local place that I don't trust as much...Two of them died already within 48 hours, one with in 24... and no they don't insure fish (why I don't thrust them)... Hell petco insures for 24 hours...

I'm going back tho the good store Monday cause that's when they get fish and I asked him to pick out a few larger sized tigers for me... Good thing they are in the QT tank or I wouldn't have been able to find the floaters in the big tank. No signs of parasite and they were both eating... The second to go was being emo in the corner (not like a tiger) and both of them didn't have very good looking stripes even though they seemed to be pretty old, they didn't seem to be very healthy looking compared to my older tigers.