55 Gallon FOWLR Tank-Journal

Mar 31, 2006
Update: Well I setup my 20g fuge, connected it, and it is now running perfectly. The fuge is going to accomplish two things:

- Added water volume
- Will have Cheato which will consume nutrients and hopefully keep Nitrates down.
- Protein skimmer, heater, and thermometer is placed in the fuge to eliminate the clutter in the main tank.

I set up the fuge alittle differently then the typical method. Instead of having gravity or siphon drain water from the main tank to the fuge and using a pump to return the water I have a Maxijet 1200 pump water from my 55g into the fuge then the water drains back via hole drilled in fuge. I am also going to raise the PVC pipe that pumps water to the fuge so there it eliminates the chance of the water backflowing or siphoning water back into the tank and overflowing the tank if there is a power outage.

Here are some pictures I took:



Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I hope your rock is placed on the bottom or some other support because from experience that sandsifting goby is going to remove all the sand from under your rockwork to make caves for himself........fun to watch and lots of character......just watch your rockwork.

Mar 31, 2006
Update: I recently added another small Ocellaris Clownfish to give my current Clownfish some company. When I first added the new Clownfish there was some aggression from my current Clown but after awhile they settled down and are now swimming around the tank together. Here are a few new fts and pics of inhabitants.

Without Flash

With Flash

Misc Fish/Invert Pictures



Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Your new aquascaping is much, much better. If you get any more live rock get it in real big pieces as it's much easier than mucking around stacking little bits