55 vs 75 Who Will Survive


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
I hadnt thought about the auto top off but I dont think I am going to worry about it at this point in time. I need to save as much money as possible and for the time being I will be aorund to do the top offs, but when the time comes I defintiely think it will be a neccessity so to not put strain on parents ahah.

Thats cool Dback, enjoy the setup process!


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Well heres an update. Things fell throw with the light and unless another oppurtunity comes up I will not be making this a reef (atleast not at first.) What I will be doing is just setting up a FOWLR with the best equipment I can get and stock it with enough live rock and a cool fish or two. I will contiune to be on the hunt for a good metal halide light. I will work on getting the tank established and all equipment running smoothly before putting my hands into coral (in the 75 atleast)

I may keep the 20 l and use that as a coral tank (2 salt water tanks wont be bad :))

I am going to be purchasing the skimmer in the next few days and its still between the EV series 180, the turboflotor, and the Euro-Reef, any suggestions on which one you would go with?

Also on the subject of return pumps from the sump, would be going with two mag 9.5s (for a total of 1900 gph or 25.3 turn over rater per hour) be sufficent or would two mag 12s (for a total gph of 2400 or a 32 tank turn over per hour rater) be more beneficial? I know water flow is very important and with my stocking plans I feel the extra water flow would be beneficial but would it be overkill (would like to save money but dont want to skimp)

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Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
last quick question I forgot.

For the overflow and the sump return lines, should I get a larger intake pvc pipe to help counterbalance the return strength of the mags? I was thinking of getting maybe a 1.25 or 1.5 inch intake line into the sump and then either 3/4in or 1 inch return pvc pipieing (all with ball valves to control flow.) What do you guys think is the best size pvc pipeing to use (only reason I have to ask now is I need to know what hole size to get drilled

lastly I found this and wanted your thoughts
75 gallon reef tank - Rate My Fish Tank
this is a 75 with a orbit 4 x 65 watt (260 watts for 3.5 wpg) and it look like he has a decent selection of corals in there. I mean no sps or clams or light demanding corals but it seems pretty decent to me.. Is it ok to keep mushrooms, polyps, leathers, and maybe some lps with that kind of light?


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
yea I really wish I could spend the money on the mh now, but its just not feasible *baring any strokes of luck on ebay..)

any opinions on the return pvc pipe size from that question above?


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Update: Well today I contacted Glass cages and got an estimate for a 90
drilled (w/black acrylic overflow) and custom stand.. I still wasnt sure about the 75 or the 90 but after calling I found out to get the added height (to raise the smaller 75) put onto the stand (which come at 30 inches) it would be the same cost as if I just got the regular stand and bought the 90 so basiclly same price but 4 extra inches on the tank not the stand :D

further update is I decided on a Aquac EV 120 w/mag 5 (8 months old) for 200$.. imo a great deal so I am going to take this (was hoping to get a 180 or a larger skimmer but this should do a fine job. And if I ever do upgrade my tank it wont be for a long long time so by then a crazy skimmer will probably be out ahah..

and for the lighting.. I am still working on a MH and it could go either way but Im trying my best.. Will keep updated.

thats it for now