55G Amazon biotope work log


Large Fish
Aug 23, 2006
I think it’s time to start my work log because I'm finally going to have time to work on my tank this weekend. I picked this tank up from someone on craigslist for $75. Its a TruVu 55G with a crappy stand and light. I think this has a lot of potential so hopefully at the end of this log it will actually look like a nice tank. The stand is a piece so I'm either going to make one this weekend or order one from Dr. Foster and Smiths. I really wanted it to match our dining room set so if the costs are similar I will just build it and stain it. I will also build a matching canopy.

I'm going to use this as a discus tank. I plan on stocking it with 5 assorted discus and a school of cardinal tetras so far. I'm going to make this my main display tank so I want to set it up right. I'm going to plant the tank so I'm going to purchase a Co2 system as well.

Here is the tank when I brought it in the house:

As you can see there are a ton of scratches and the stand is a piece. I'm going to try to work some magic and I will post my progress asap.

Wish me luck!


Large Fish
Aug 23, 2006
48" x 13" x 20" - That's a 55G right?

Funny you said that because when I put up the pics it looks small compared to how it looks in my house lol


Large Fish
Jun 19, 2005
Pittsburgh, Pa
i think that stand is perfect just needs some TLC, whats up with the top though it looks like the whole thing is sealed,

EDIT: now that i look closer at the last pic from underneathe, is this a acrylic stand with holes cut in the top?


Large Fish
Aug 23, 2006
ok quick update:

I spent about an hour or two polishing the acrylic last night. I did it by hand and it took a lot longer than I thought it would.

If anyone has an acrylic tank with some minor scratching I HIGHLY recommend NOVUS POLISH. This stuff rules!!! I am going to go by home depot this weekend to buy a buffing ball for my dremel so I can really buff it out. It took out almost every scratch! You can see a HUGE difference between the two sides.

As for the stand I want to get rid of it, because yes, it is an open top stand. It covers most of the bottom, but I have read that acrylic tanks need a full top stand. Plus I want the stand to match my furniture ;) .

There is a discus breeder that lives in my area that hooked me up with my fist two. He’s selling them for $10 for 1” fry. I thought that was one hell of a deal, so I’m going to go with him. I’m going to get a couple once I get the tank up, two pigeon blood and two 8 bar turquoise.

Here are some pics of the parents:

Any suggestions besides the cardinal tetra for tank mates?

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Large Fish
Aug 23, 2006
FishLuvr said:
i think that stand is perfect just needs some TLC, whats up with the top though it looks like the whole thing is sealed,

EDIT: now that i look closer at the last pic from underneathe, is this a acrylic stand with holes cut in the top?

Yeah the whole thing is sealed, most larger acrylic tanks have a solid top for stability. This is an older TruVu tank, but all the cutouts for the spray bars and bulkheads are already cut out for me.


Large Fish
Aug 23, 2006
Well once they grow large 6 for a 55G tank is overstocked. Some of them do not flourish as well as others, so when you buy fry, you get what you pay for. Some turn out nice, and some.... well just don't turn out. Out of six I'm hoping to keep 4 if I'm lucky.


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
Just remember that the smaller they are, the better water quality they need. You'll have to do frequent water changes to keep them healthy, and keep the temp high. My next tank is going to be a 75 gallon that houses discus, cardinal tetras and cory cats. So the only suggestion that I have is something for the bottom like cory cats.


Large Fish
Aug 23, 2006
Yup I do 50% WC every other day and the temp is 85/86f.

I have two of them in my 28G bowfront and there doing great, that’s why I'm trying to hurry up on this tank so they have more room. Once I put them in the 55G I will do a 30% every other day. 50% on a 55G with two 1" fish every other day is waaaaay over kill.


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
make sure you do a lot of research on them. most say that it is easier to buy juviniles at 3" or so. babys and adults have a hard time accumulating.
and when you get them all settled..make sure to watch closley for any bullying going on. make sure each fish gets some food and everything.

for tankmates id say cardinals are your best bet. i personally plan on getting a teacup stingray if i ever upgrade.
do you plan on having a planted tank? it helps the fish a lot. and looks wonderful

Sep 11, 2005
Are you going to be using peat filtration? I have found it works miracles on acid-loving species. I see enhancements in their behavior and color almost immediately after I introduce it, and once it gets working well the water takes on that perfect amber hue to really make it authentic to the blackwater biotope, which is where discus come from.



Large Fish
Aug 23, 2006
Yeah I have done a TON of research on them, actually since I have been a member here. I set up a 28G and then I committed to getting a larger tank but I didn't want to go saltwater yet, so I thought Discus would be second best.

As for getting fry I did a lot of research, I also found a breeder in my area that services tanks in my neighborhood. He set me up with everything I needed to get these little guys going. The water that they were raised in is the exact same as my neighborhood tap water so it works perfectly. Barley any acclamation required. He was selling 1.5” to 2” fry for $10 so I bought two for the time being.

The two little guys I have now are doing great. Pretty much doubled their size. As for the bullying, it’s going to happen no matter what. Same thing with angel fish, it’s a pecking order and there is going to be an alpha. You can break it up a bit with larger tanks, and that’s what I'm working on right now. Once I get the 55G up and running I will buy 4 more.

The buffing went great. I pretty much got every scratch out of it. I was so surprised how good that NOVUS polish worked. It takes a little elbow grease but it’s worth it in the end. Next is the overflow box and the bulkheads.

As for the filtration, I finally decided on what I'm doing. I am setting up an overflow box along about 90% of the back of the tank with three bulkheads. One for the wet/dry filter, one for the Mag. 350 and one safety bulkhead just in case one gets clogged. The Mag. 350 is going to be a separate loop with a UV sterilizer on it. I travel so much during the weekends, I haven't had a real chance to set everything up. This weekend is free so I will be drilling the bulkheads and attaching the overflow box. Ill post pic’s once I actually get something done. I’m also setting up a WC aging tank inside the stand as well. It’s going to be VERY cramped down there but it will all fit.

Thank you for all your advice!


Large Fish
Aug 23, 2006
Oh yeah, yes it will be a planted tank. What’s a biotope without plants? ;) I want to get a Co2 system but I want to understand more about them before I take the plunge. I will start out with a couple swords, and maybe some foreground plants, I haven't decided on anything in particular yet. The lighting system I have set up is a bit more than 2wpg so I think that should be sufficient enough to start with.