55g coming soon, what to get?


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
heres my input
and think about kuhlii loaches for saome fun movement on the bottom

10 neon tetras
10 bleeding heart tetras
0 dwarf gouramis INSTEAD, how about a pair of gold gouramis or another bigger gourami pair. http://www.thekrib.com/Plants/People/hurley-gold.jpg
4 mollies not a big fan...might be slightly aggressive and make sure your prepared for lots of fry. get all males if you dont want fry. or 3F with 1M
6-8 assorted cories -choose one type of cory. it looks betetr when they match. the julii is nice, or even peppered or albino.


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
LOL hmmm maybe you need a few more 55gs, might be easier on choosing fish :)

i love the idea of bolivian rams, that i do. i have no experiance with them, i have germans, but i hear thier nice.
and i think that will work...maybe push a few more kuhliis in there. i have 11 in mine and they come out ALL the time, sometimes even come out to the surface when i feed. youll see more of then if theres more fish and good hiding places.
i have no idea how to sex gouramis so you may want to look that up, something about different finnage.

and the order i would add them, if you decide to do this is:
bolivian rams

Aug 7, 2005
Houston TX
hmm heres a couple options:

15-20 neon tetras
5 or so rainbowfish of ur choice
1 rts or 5-10 cories

slightly more aggressive
3-5 Rams (german or bolivian)
10-15 danios (zebra for ex.)
1 rts or 5-10 cories

In my opinion, the best looking tanks have only a very few species of fish, large #s of each species, and all of of a similar theme. Basically, the more it looks like it could be like a little chunk of a real lake, the better.


Medium Fish
Jan 10, 2007
Heres what I think -

Harlequin Rasboras - Go well with the neons if you get a big enough school, although the neons are more colourful my rasboras are more active and "schooling" and are always hungry and cute to watch.

Rainbowfish and Bolivian Rams I don't no much about so i can't say.

Danios - although a great fish i have found them to be a bit boring in my experience.

Kuhlii - sorry to say I don't really like them they remind me of worms for fish food rather than loaches

Clown Loaches - pseaking of clown loaches a group of loaches say 5-6 or something would be excellent i LOVE clown loaches we got a pair but we had to add one more as the more you have the cooler they are they formed this little gang that go searching everywhere so cute.

Corys - we were going to get some of these coudl be good but make sure you get a few and the right type!

Gouramis - we had two dwarf and still have one powder blue i love them to death they're great are also up and about and swimming not aggressive at all although the larger male got a bit terrotorial once over a sinking tablet but he only did it once.

I like to think of a tank a bit like a mind map - you have the main very few species of large fish that are the main and centrepiece, then have a couple more medium fish then the little fishies like neons in schools on the outside. get my drift? also try not to have an overcrowded section, liek too many bottom feeders, its nice to have fish everywhere not concentrated in one spot.

Cas :D


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
its a bit more complicated that that bformann999, you have to have compatible fish and not overcrowd. its not just...i throw some fish in i want and expect them all to live happily amonst one another.

and i think Germans are probably your best bet, smaller, not as aggressive unless breeding, and a LOT more colorful