55gal upgrade!


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
Okay i currently have my tank up and running. I just have the substrate, lighting, about 60lbs of LR, and 2 koralias. I am currently saving up for a protein skimmer and maybe more live rock. i havent decided. While ive just been sitting around i thought of this, my stocking list. lol.
1 false clown fish
3 green chromis
1 royal gramma or fridmani/strawberry/ neon pseudochromis [i havent decided]
1 firefish
1 cherub/fireball/Eibl's/lemonpeel angel[havent decided]
About how big to the Eibl's and lemonpeel angel get? ive looked at two different websites and one says they both get 4in but on mft it says the get 6in? and i might through a sixline wrasse in there if possible. I might see it fighting with the gramma or pseudochromis though.
The only problem is that i want a big fish that is peaceful and will fit with everything else.say Do any of you know of a peaceful big SW fish? i would be willing to make a few cuts if possible. Also does everything sound good so far?


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
From what I've heard, lemonpeels are one of the least reef-safe of the dwarf angels. Sure, they're beautiful, but I think it would be too much of a risk.

One fish you could consider is a rabbitfish. I think you could get away with one of the smaller ones (the ones that don't get to more than about 7"). They're recommended for slightly larger tanks than yours, but I think you'd be OK. They're peaceful and eat algae. The only problem is that they have poisonous spines, so if you have allergies to bees, it might not be a good idea.

You could also look into squirrelfish.


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
I liked the striped squirrelfish but i read that it will eat crustaceans. I like the foxface and one spot foxface. I just thought id through the lemonpeel out there since it was a beautiful fish. What about the Eibls dwarf angel? how big does it get? Also if i add a foxface or one spot foxface would i have to take anything out of my stocking list?


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I'm not that up on the dwarf angels.

My foxface is probably the biggest fraidy-cat in my tank. He doesn't bother any of the other fish I have (clowns, banggai cardinals, pajama cardinals, gobies, orchid dottyback) even though he's the biggest fish in the tank. He'll always run and hide when I'm doing maintenance. I've heard some of the foxfaces will occasionally eat zoanthids, but mine never has.

Fairy wrasses are another possibility for slightly larger, peaceful, reef-safe fish.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I would say: firefish, chromis, foxface, clown, gramma/psuedochromis, angel.

I just realized, you may possibly have problems with a firefish and a pseudochromis. My P. fridmandi (orchid dottyback) is absolutely fine with anything, as long as it's not the same shape. He's managed to kill every flasher wrasse I've ever tried :( Just be careful on your choice of pseudochromis/gramma.