So my 5g that I raised my angel fry in is now sitting empty. And just like highway tolls, although I justified the second tank as a 'temporary measure' to my husband, we both know it's not going anywhere now
But it doesn't have a lighted canopy, just a cheap translucent one - the fry were raised by the kitchen cabinet light that shines directly above it. Not enough light for much but java moss. And the filter is the bulky ugly foam filter that was safe for fry. Buying a lighted canopy and external filter costs just about as much as getting a complete kit from my lfs!
The 5g kit comes with 9w florescent tube, and apparently there aren't many small tank canopies readily available designed to accommodate higher wattage. While that is still way more wpg than my 39g (approx 1wpg), the planted nano tanks I've been eyeing online seem to have like 4wpg. Plus, the lighting is over open-lidded tanks. This is not an option. (Read: meow mix. And kitchen splatter.)
So clearly I want killer plants. But I also want critters. Debating amongst ADF, betta, and shrimp, or some combo of. Will approx. 2wpg in a 5g let me get awesome ground coverage and killer plants, and be okay for a frog or betta? Do I want to search for a place that can supply a different kind of canopy/lighting system to achieve 4wpg?
Comments, ideas, suggestions, please.
But it doesn't have a lighted canopy, just a cheap translucent one - the fry were raised by the kitchen cabinet light that shines directly above it. Not enough light for much but java moss. And the filter is the bulky ugly foam filter that was safe for fry. Buying a lighted canopy and external filter costs just about as much as getting a complete kit from my lfs!
The 5g kit comes with 9w florescent tube, and apparently there aren't many small tank canopies readily available designed to accommodate higher wattage. While that is still way more wpg than my 39g (approx 1wpg), the planted nano tanks I've been eyeing online seem to have like 4wpg. Plus, the lighting is over open-lidded tanks. This is not an option. (Read: meow mix. And kitchen splatter.)
So clearly I want killer plants. But I also want critters. Debating amongst ADF, betta, and shrimp, or some combo of. Will approx. 2wpg in a 5g let me get awesome ground coverage and killer plants, and be okay for a frog or betta? Do I want to search for a place that can supply a different kind of canopy/lighting system to achieve 4wpg?
Comments, ideas, suggestions, please.