Hello again! It's been a while since I last posted here.
I feel sort of bad putting this up, as it's an imaginary tank. Sort of.
I'm asking for this for my Christmas present, and very excited so I'd really love to start figuring out the stocking if I do get it.
Even if I don't get it for Christmas, this will still definitely be a future tank plan, so any information given to me is not going to waste!
I imagine it'd be a standard 75g, which If I'm not mistaken, is 48x18x20 LxWxH, right? I just want to make sure as I know usually it's the dimensions that matter, not just the volume of water.
I already have an idea of the fish that I want, but I'm not sure if they can all go together, or if they are even suitable for this size tank.
Brown Ghost Knife (Apteronotus Leptorhynchus)
Armored Bichir (Polypterus Delhezi)
Leopard Bushfish (Ctenopoma acutirostre)
African Butterfly Fish (Pantodon buchholzi)
Striped Raphael Catfish (Platydoras Armatulus)
If a different bichir would work, like the senegal, that'd be fine too..but I imagine it gets too big for this size tank? The only reason I say that one is it's cheaper, from what I've seen.
Also wondering if the delhezi would actually be too large for this tank. Are there any smaller ones?
I'd also be happy if an Angelfish could work with them, but from reading around it sounds like that is a no. Or maybe I'd need to get a bigger angel, after reading a thread where a bichir bit a small ones dorsal fin?
Imagine I'd just want one knife, but not sure on the other fish.
I've found that bichirs like company, so they can pile on top of each other. Not sure how many I should have for this tank.
What are some good schooling fish to go with these guys, if any?
Another issue I'm thinking of is their environmental needs.
It seems that the knife would prefer a higher current, while the ctenopoma, butterfly, and raphael would like very little flow.
I'm having trouble finding what the bichir would prefer, but I'm guessing low.
Could I achieve pleasing both parties by having a moderate flow, and one side of the tank with lots of floating plants to create a still area? Or would that end up restricting the fish to each side of the tank, and result in having less room to move around?
It would most definitely have sand substrate.
Would also appreciate suggestions on filter(s) for this, as they're larger fish (for me anyway) and so make a large mess.
I'd also love to hear about anyones experiences with these fish, as well as food recommendations. What type of food, how much, how often, etc.
And lastly..I'd like to know what you all think of if I'm ready to care for these sorts of fish.
My current tanks:
55g - 1 Golden Gourami, 1 Albino Longfin Bristlenose Pleco, 11 Rummynose Tetras, 7 Albino Cories, 7 Khuli Loaches
20g Long - Crowntail Betta {Discord}, ~10 Corydoras Habrosus
20g Flatback Hex - 9 Pseudomugil Gertrudae, 9 Neon Tetras, 2 (1M:1F) Peacock Gudgeons
I've only been keeping fish since May of this year.
I've tried my best to look up the compatibility for the fish but still would rather hear from others, as the information I was looking at could've been wrong or outdated.
(?) Means that I've seen some cases of it not working/really not sure
Y = Yes, N = No, although didn't have any N's.. This is at least as far as compatibility goes, from what I had found. I'm still really not sure what to do about them preferring different flow rates.
Knife x Ctenopoma = Y
Knife x Bichir = Y
Knife x ABF = Y
Knife x Raphael = Y
Knife x Angel = Y
Ctenopoma x Bichir = Y
Ctenopoma x ABF = Y
Ctenopoma x Raphael = Y
Ctenopoma x Angel = Y
Bichir x ABF = Y(?)
Bichir x Raphael = Y
Bichir x Angel = Y(?)
ABF x Raphael = Y
ABF x Angel = Y(?)
Raphael x Angel = Y
Thank you very much for any responses, I look forward to reading them!
I feel sort of bad putting this up, as it's an imaginary tank. Sort of.
I'm asking for this for my Christmas present, and very excited so I'd really love to start figuring out the stocking if I do get it.
Even if I don't get it for Christmas, this will still definitely be a future tank plan, so any information given to me is not going to waste!
I imagine it'd be a standard 75g, which If I'm not mistaken, is 48x18x20 LxWxH, right? I just want to make sure as I know usually it's the dimensions that matter, not just the volume of water.
I already have an idea of the fish that I want, but I'm not sure if they can all go together, or if they are even suitable for this size tank.
Brown Ghost Knife (Apteronotus Leptorhynchus)
Armored Bichir (Polypterus Delhezi)
Leopard Bushfish (Ctenopoma acutirostre)
African Butterfly Fish (Pantodon buchholzi)
Striped Raphael Catfish (Platydoras Armatulus)
If a different bichir would work, like the senegal, that'd be fine too..but I imagine it gets too big for this size tank? The only reason I say that one is it's cheaper, from what I've seen.
Also wondering if the delhezi would actually be too large for this tank. Are there any smaller ones?
I'd also be happy if an Angelfish could work with them, but from reading around it sounds like that is a no. Or maybe I'd need to get a bigger angel, after reading a thread where a bichir bit a small ones dorsal fin?
Imagine I'd just want one knife, but not sure on the other fish.
I've found that bichirs like company, so they can pile on top of each other. Not sure how many I should have for this tank.
What are some good schooling fish to go with these guys, if any?
Another issue I'm thinking of is their environmental needs.
It seems that the knife would prefer a higher current, while the ctenopoma, butterfly, and raphael would like very little flow.
I'm having trouble finding what the bichir would prefer, but I'm guessing low.
Could I achieve pleasing both parties by having a moderate flow, and one side of the tank with lots of floating plants to create a still area? Or would that end up restricting the fish to each side of the tank, and result in having less room to move around?
It would most definitely have sand substrate.
Would also appreciate suggestions on filter(s) for this, as they're larger fish (for me anyway) and so make a large mess.
I'd also love to hear about anyones experiences with these fish, as well as food recommendations. What type of food, how much, how often, etc.
And lastly..I'd like to know what you all think of if I'm ready to care for these sorts of fish.
My current tanks:
55g - 1 Golden Gourami, 1 Albino Longfin Bristlenose Pleco, 11 Rummynose Tetras, 7 Albino Cories, 7 Khuli Loaches
20g Long - Crowntail Betta {Discord}, ~10 Corydoras Habrosus
20g Flatback Hex - 9 Pseudomugil Gertrudae, 9 Neon Tetras, 2 (1M:1F) Peacock Gudgeons
I've only been keeping fish since May of this year.
I've tried my best to look up the compatibility for the fish but still would rather hear from others, as the information I was looking at could've been wrong or outdated.
(?) Means that I've seen some cases of it not working/really not sure
Y = Yes, N = No, although didn't have any N's.. This is at least as far as compatibility goes, from what I had found. I'm still really not sure what to do about them preferring different flow rates.
Knife x Ctenopoma = Y
Knife x Bichir = Y
Knife x ABF = Y
Knife x Raphael = Y
Knife x Angel = Y
Ctenopoma x Bichir = Y
Ctenopoma x ABF = Y
Ctenopoma x Raphael = Y
Ctenopoma x Angel = Y
Bichir x ABF = Y(?)
Bichir x Raphael = Y
Bichir x Angel = Y(?)
ABF x Raphael = Y
ABF x Angel = Y(?)
Raphael x Angel = Y
Thank you very much for any responses, I look forward to reading them!