80 gallon $$$$$$$ How Much Estimate please


Large Fish
Apr 21, 2003
Delaware County, PA
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Originally posted by 420Loach
you should try and upgrade to the 80 gal before dec.!
Yeah, save yourself the $50-$60 on the 20gal and splurge for an 80 to 100 gal. Just got to yardsales, ebay, the newspaper, on the internet. You should be able to find a tank (and stand) to suit your needs relatively cheap. Like within the $350. Probably cheaper.

Even if you just get the tank and equipment (without the stand), you could get a nice stand at Petsmart or wherever. You'll pay full price at petsmart, but the fact that you paid very little for the tank should at least give you piece of mind...:)


Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
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i know so far these past two months ive put over 400 bucks into getting my 55 and 35 gal tanks running (filters,food,plants, fish,ect) and im not through yet either!:D you could build a stand to save money also, and it would be more sturdy then a wire one you buy(as long as you make it like that,dont skimp on bolts and nails! :D). things like gravel and decorations can run expensive, so buy the things you need first to make sure you have enough cash. and try to do some research on your fish, you wouldnt want your oscar to tear up an expensive plant or decoration and you dont want to spend alot of money on a tank that is too small and have to upgrade again(unless you have the money and want the tanks:D ).