90 Gallon Step by Step Setup Guide and Running Log


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Well with the new 90 gallon on its way I figured that a setup account would be good for others to see and also for me to ask questions in rather than starting new threads for individual incidents and such.

Anyway this is the introduction. Just ordered a 90 gallon (48x18x25) tank with black acrylic overflow (decided on two 1 inch bulkheads both of which will be going to the sump,) stand will be 30 inchs tall (for sump accessibility,) a 38 glass tank (36x121.2x18) and thats that about it for the tank specifications.

90 gallon custom Reef Ready glass aquarium (48x18x25)
38 gallon glass sump (36x121/2x18)
30 inch custom stand

Onto the current equipment plans and future plans:
Lighting: Hamilton Technology 48" light fixture 2 X 175 watt MH 10k and 2 x 40 watt NO Flourescent bulbs.
Skimmer: AquaC EV 120 in sump skimmer w/Mag 5 pump
Heating: 2 200 watt Ebo-Jager Heaters (Gives me 3.125 wpg including the sump volume)
Water Movement: Using the double 1 inch overflows and a mag 12 return pump (split into two returns on either side of the tank) Im hoping to get around 1000-1200 gph sump return (NOTE* sump return is added flow not meant to provide substantial water flow.) On top of the sump return I will be adding in two either Seio 1100 or 880 powerheads for a total turnover of around 28-30 times the tanks volume. In the future if I am tired of the powerheads of they dont provide enough flow I will be desiging a closed loop system.
Live Rock: Going to order online. Planning on around 50 lbs of ult. premium Fiji Live rock and 38 lbs of premium Marshall Island Live rock for a total of around 108 lbs of live rock (20 extra lbs of live rock comming from my current 20 long)
Accessories/Future Plans: In the future I will be adding in a large HOT refugium that will either go in the sump or the back of the display.. Coralife digital thermometer, variouse other equipment that I cant think of now will be added later

First plan of action is to disassemble the 46 gallon bow front (which is currently for sale) and make room for the 90 gallon that I will be picking up next Saturday in White plains (Wow that drive is going to suck...)

Thats about it for now Ill be updating regularly and look forward to tracking the tanks progress.

O yea lots of pictures to come :D

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Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
The only question I have is on the lighting. The 2 x 26w pc doesn't offer much light in case you don't want to run the metal halides....though for just a dusk dawn effect they are probalby great.

Altogether it sounds like a great plan......hmmmmm

I think I would like to upsize my 75 to a drilled 120g...that is the goal over the next few years......after spending about $100 a week for the past 6 months on fish stuff my husband is just about fished out for a while..though I still need a couple of fishies to finish my population.......


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
yea I understand the reservations witht he light (I posted back in the light thread aswell) But for the beggiing I think it will be plenty to keep my desired corals (and Ill be starting off slow too) and with propoer aquascaping I think it will manage until I can get the full blow MH of my likeing


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Well the MH lighting seller backed out (really annoyed....) so now I have to find another.

I found a hamilton 2 x 250 watt mh with 4x 65 watt pc for sale but had a questiong about the MH. The bulbs were run for 1 year at 4 hours a day, how soon would they need replacing?

Dec 21, 2005
st. louis area
I was stating how long it was on a normal usage schedule.
I've read mixed opinions on how long they last, it depends on the kelvin rating and schedule. Some people do say they still get good results after 2+ years.
OCC, I think if the price is right I'd do it.


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Update on the lighting: I am in the midst of getting a Hamilton Technology 48" light fixture 2 X 175 watt MH 10k (7 month old bulbs) and 2 x 40 watt NO Flourescent bulbs (brand new.) I feel good about this one because the deal is in Jersey City (my dad works there so a day trip~no added shipping cost..)

Also I ordered all my plumbing parts that I couldnt get around here. Now all I need is a mag 12 and Ill be ready for the tank to arrive!

Yahoo! Photos - aquaristbynight's Photos - Hamilton MH canopy
thats the light and ballast and everything.


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Well I am going to pick up my Hamilton LIghts tonight and my tank tommorow.. I am pumped!

However if I dont post back tonight that means I got mugged and or killed in Jersey City but I hope that doesnt happen :D

and the tank is up in white plains so another long drive tommorow but it will be worth it once it is here.

Hopefully I can get some pictures up tonight and tommorow


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Thanks guys I am very excited. Like I mentioned earlier the setup and the hardwear and everything that goes into the tank is my favorite part. I love the stocking and everything but love the setup process

Well I got back with no problems and the guy was very helpful. As I walked in to his kitchen I was dumfounded by a 125 gallon reef he had setup, it was beautiful. He had retrofitted the home made canopy with 3 175 watt halides and a couple of PCs. Sump, chiller (that he didnt use as it produced more heat than it dissipated ahah) and alot of other cool equipment. Tank was a softie tank (he said he had no desire for sps and liked the motion of the softies.) It was a gorgouse tank and just wanted to share.. now onto the good stuff

Well I decided to take pictures of all the crap I have on hand atm and will just post it up now.


this is the light with just the two 175 watt (10k) bulbs light. To me they seem higher k than 10 so god only knows what a 14 or 20 would look like!

(sorry for the size, reduced twice on photbucket by accident) This is the light with only the two NO 40 watt flourescents light. No idea what K they are but there brand new and I wont replace them for 5-6 months. However when I do replace I plan on going with a 14-20k bulb for asthetic reasons to fit nicely with the 10k halides.

this is just a picture of the left side of the new light. The other side is the exact same and you can see the top flourescent the halide and 1 of the 2 5 inch fans. Underneath the halide which you cant see is the second flourescent (in the future if I feel ballsy enough I may try and retrofit it with some T5s or PCs.. doubt it though as I am not the most handy of people..

Just the CF and Halide ballast. Its a hamilton but Im not sure if its a magnetic or normal kind.

The light does not come with any mounting items so I will have to fabricate a mounting system (off to home depot!)

This is the AquaC EV 120 (newer model) that I purchased used. Right after I took the picture I cleaned it so it looks brand new. Not pictured is the Mag 5 that came with it (thats what the plastic pipe is for.) Behind it is one of my favorite things in my room ~that picture (just decided to throw that in)

THis is a American DJ 8 outlet power center that Ill use for my powerheads and other items I need to have access to shuting off easily (like protein skimmer during feedings.) I had a second but sold it as I dont need it since Ill also be using a Coralife Timer power strip

This is just misc pvc pipe stuff (3/4, 1, and 1 1/4 in pipe) that I will be using to make my overflow, to sump lines, and return lines. I will be making my own dorso stand pipe when the other material I need arrives and one 1 inch open drain with egg crate covering (dont want any snails flooding my room :rolleyes: ) I think the dors and open stand pipe will work best in my case, Ill keep updated on my standpipe creation.

Well this is the stuff I have now (not including the smaller stuff like heaters, marine salt (I have a 10 gallon mixing vat in my back room).

Items I still need:
-Mag 12 or 18 for return pump from sump
-seio powerheads and or a powerful external pump I will use to create a closed loop system
- RO (I would purchase one but had no capabities of setup. At the new house I have a perfect place for it but not now)
- Mounting Thing (DIY to come ~ god help me)
- I know Im forgeting something to mention but Ill let it go at that and remember later

peace for now and white plains tommorow! more pictures tommorow :D and time to go finish watching the yankee game (jorge home run w00t, sorry off track and very excited, later bros)

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Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey

Lastly this is where my 46 gallon bow front used to reside but was moved and sold to make room for the 90 :D, so yes this is the current planned home of the 90 (it was either this or a spot that would encounter a decent amount of direct sunlight that I didnt want. Would have been good for corals but dont want to risk algae at this point with a RO unit a unlikely part of my repitoire due to setup capabilites) Boxes are all the salt equipment I will be keeping and just want it organized.

had 11 images so I need to put this on here


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
Visit site
I don't know if you've already said this elsewhere, but what are you using for a sump?
Ah I've finally begun setting up my 75 too. The past day has been me watching the RO unit pump out a gallon of water every twenty minutes! Almost there!


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
thanks guys, I am very anxiouse to begin

for a sump Im just using a plain 38 gallon (36 x 12.5 x 18) tank. I may install baffles but havent decided yet. Hopefully going to put a mag 12 or 18 in for the return but cant decide which one to go with.

picking up tank today at 4 should be home and in place by 6 or 7.