$.99 'baby africans' ...

Jan 23, 2007
Pet stores are always pretty flakey from what I've seen. Doesn't seem like the place I should walk into and easily know more about the animals than the people working there...but unfortunately that's generally the case. It's rare to meet a person who really knows what they're talking about.

Jan 9, 2007
I'm gonna get a job at Wal-mart as soon as I can and I'm going to fix everyone who doesn't care about their fishes' needs. Heheheheehe. Because one time, I went to wal-mart to buy a bamboo shrimp and there were these 2 guys in front of us. They asked the salesman about every single fish! Finally they bought 3 pufferfish, 2 needlefish, 1 oscar, 3 assorted african cichlids, 1 dozen of feeder fish, and a few others. The next question could have killed me. He asked, "where do you sell aquariums and supplies?" The guy didn't even have an aquarium that has cycled! Another thing the guy said was "it's going to be 1 big rumble. Let's see who survives!" I wish I could have put him in a aquarium full of piranhas and see if he could have survived.


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
its cruel what people do and most people whose job it is to care for the fish, only care about the money they make. they push things on you at LFS so they get thier commission made even if it could kill your fish.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Sorry but maybe i missed the point....but whats everyone concerned about with .99 baby africans? You can find gems in those tanks sometimes! Even the "Mixed Africans" are cool.

Now only problem i can see is someone with a small tank but are y'all arguing with them being only .99 people will buy many at a time?