I'm gonna get a job at Wal-mart as soon as I can and I'm going to fix everyone who doesn't care about their fishes' needs. Heheheheehe. Because one time, I went to wal-mart to buy a bamboo shrimp and there were these 2 guys in front of us. They asked the salesman about every single fish! Finally they bought 3 pufferfish, 2 needlefish, 1 oscar, 3 assorted african cichlids, 1 dozen of feeder fish, and a few others. The next question could have killed me. He asked, "where do you sell aquariums and supplies?" The guy didn't even have an aquarium that has cycled! Another thing the guy said was "it's going to be 1 big rumble. Let's see who survives!" I wish I could have put him in a aquarium full of piranhas and see if he could have survived.