Hi All!
It's been just over a year since I had to sell my tanks before my move. I got a betta down here, an recently have found a nano tank that I will be doing up as a FW tank. It's a 9g with an additional 2-3g in the refugium area. (Though AqAdvisor calculates it at 15.5g with the dimensions given)
I think my dimensions are 16wx14x16h for the total volume and 16x11x16 for the living space. Do you have any suggestions for what I could put with the betta? This guy is a tad more on the aggressive side, so I would like to try to keep them to fish he wouldn't want to chase too much. (going to keep his little 1.5g around in case he needs to move back to a bachelor pad after I get other fish).
It will be a planted tank with white sand substrate and lots of hides (driftwood, rocks, caves, etc). I want to try to give the betta his own space, but also have others in the tank. Is there any fish that might work better with him? I really miss my glass cats, but this tank would be too small for them. There's a blue light with this tank also, so I wouldn't mind a few white fish to show off in the light... I was thinking of a pair of swords, but worry that the betta would fin-nip them too much.
I really like the look of the black neons, but I worry that they will get too big (at a max of 1.5"-2") to comfortably live in the tank. Could I do a shoal of 5 black neons, 5 black kuhli's, and the betta (black and yellow)? I'd like to get some color in there, but not sure which fish would work for that - maybe 5 neon tetras? I've had them before though, and would not mind trying something different. AqAdvisor isn't bringing up any warnings other than the betta being potentially aggressive and a jumper.
I thought about a dwarf frog, but would feel the need to add a live-bearer or 2. I'm also not sure how well he would do with the betta. (this would mean no neons however, and likely no loaches)
Thanks in advance!
It's been just over a year since I had to sell my tanks before my move. I got a betta down here, an recently have found a nano tank that I will be doing up as a FW tank. It's a 9g with an additional 2-3g in the refugium area. (Though AqAdvisor calculates it at 15.5g with the dimensions given)
I think my dimensions are 16wx14x16h for the total volume and 16x11x16 for the living space. Do you have any suggestions for what I could put with the betta? This guy is a tad more on the aggressive side, so I would like to try to keep them to fish he wouldn't want to chase too much. (going to keep his little 1.5g around in case he needs to move back to a bachelor pad after I get other fish).
It will be a planted tank with white sand substrate and lots of hides (driftwood, rocks, caves, etc). I want to try to give the betta his own space, but also have others in the tank. Is there any fish that might work better with him? I really miss my glass cats, but this tank would be too small for them. There's a blue light with this tank also, so I wouldn't mind a few white fish to show off in the light... I was thinking of a pair of swords, but worry that the betta would fin-nip them too much.
I really like the look of the black neons, but I worry that they will get too big (at a max of 1.5"-2") to comfortably live in the tank. Could I do a shoal of 5 black neons, 5 black kuhli's, and the betta (black and yellow)? I'd like to get some color in there, but not sure which fish would work for that - maybe 5 neon tetras? I've had them before though, and would not mind trying something different. AqAdvisor isn't bringing up any warnings other than the betta being potentially aggressive and a jumper.
I thought about a dwarf frog, but would feel the need to add a live-bearer or 2. I'm also not sure how well he would do with the betta. (this would mean no neons however, and likely no loaches)
Thanks in advance!