A fate worse then dying? Unfortunately there is for some fish.


Large Fish
Apr 2, 2005
Sunny Ireland.
Likes: bala_aquarium


MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
"Before the transformation the fish looks lively and active. For the first few hours after colour injection, the fish might appear lethargic and listless. Not to worry! It would revive to its bubbly old self in a day's time."

"Post-transformation. Voila! Isn't it dazzling? This shows that fishes too need to spice up their lives with some colour!"


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
People choose to be tattooed, pierced, facelifted, implanted, and so forth. How can anyone state that a fish (or any animal) 'needs' to 'spice up their lives' by being injected or amputated, when it obviously causes them pain and shortens their lives. I suppose some people can justify any selfish behavior at all by projecting their decision onto the subject of their actions. :(

Aug 28, 2005
Missouri, USA
Humans from "civilized" cultures voluntarily subject their newborns to circumcision (amputate the foreskin) of the ***** (stupid filter, the word is p-e-nis), without a second thought. Cultures regarded as "uncivilized" voluntarily iron the breasts of teenage girls, and also remove their clitoris.

Cows, dogs, pigs, all manner of animals are routinely mutilated or tatooed for either appearance or to identify ownership.

Find a damn cause that will help a PERSON! Fix it.

Then worry about the animals. Jeezus!

Y'all got way too much time on your hands to be wasting your empathy and energy on fish. There are things going on that actually matter, or are you so disconnected from your fellow species to not care?

Animal activists have a lot of things in common; they're active, but their cause isn't going to help better the life of one single person. Maybe the operative term should be activeisn't?

Seriously. Y'all make me sick sometimes with your skewed causes.


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
Well, folks, when your entire society is brought up to believe that there is no absolute standard or right and wrong, you end up with bizarre stuff like this that goes un-checked by the general populace.

This is really repulsive. You'll get no stirring of the pot by me on this one, that's for sure.

Unfortunately, the majority of all ornamental fish from Asia end up in the West, so some of us must be buying them from "those crazy asians".


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Nottingham, UK
Etheostoma said:
Humans from "civilized" cultures voluntarily subject their newborns to circumcision (amputate the foreskin) of the ***** (stupid filter, the word is p-e-nis), without a second thought. Cultures regarded as "uncivilized" voluntarily iron the breasts of teenage girls, and also remove their clitoris.

Cows, dogs, pigs, all manner of animals are routinely mutilated or tatooed for either appearance or to identify ownership.

Find a damn cause that will help a PERSON! Fix it.

Then worry about the animals. Jeezus!

Y'all got way too much time on your hands to be wasting your empathy and energy on fish. There are things going on that actually matter, or are you so disconnected from your fellow species to not care?

Animal activists have a lot of things in common; they're active, but their cause isn't going to help better the life of one single person. Maybe the operative term should be activeisn't?

Seriously. Y'all make me sick sometimes with your skewed causes.
oh my god what is your problem, everyone was merely showing their disgust that they have for this sickening practice. if you hadnt noticed this is a fish forum, and so funnily enough, people will show their feelings about fish.

Yes there is other things going on in the world that clearly need more attention than this, but this topic was about cosmetic surgery on fish, nothing to do with the problems of humanity, if you want to discuss that go start a different thread in the lounge.

i would advise not verbally attacking the members here, or you may find yourself banned.