A fate worse then dying? Unfortunately there is for some fish.


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2006
north carolina asheville area
Etheostoma said:
Humans from "civilized" cultures voluntarily subject their newborns to circumcision (amputate the foreskin) of the ***** (stupid filter, the word is p-e-nis), without a second thought. Cultures regarded as "uncivilized" voluntarily iron the breasts of teenage girls, and also remove their clitoris.

Cows, dogs, pigs, all manner of animals are routinely mutilated or tatooed for either appearance or to identify ownership.

Find a damn cause that will help a PERSON! Fix it.

Then worry about the animals. Jeezus!

Y'all got way too much time on your hands to be wasting your empathy and energy on fish. There are things going on that actually matter, or are you so disconnected from your fellow species to not care?

Animal activists have a lot of things in common; they're active, but their cause isn't going to help better the life of one single person. Maybe the operative term should be activeisn't?

Seriously. Y'all make me sick sometimes with your skewed causes.
*thumbsdow you suck.....this IS a fish forum... need to help humans? red cross has a site too ya know... go join there...btw..im proudly circumsized, the fiance dont mind either:D


Medium Fish
Apr 22, 2006
I think I saw one today

I was at Petco and the fish was a yellow cichlid. It had no tail, just a rounded stub - no scarring or wound that I could tell, but was in a tank with the same kind of fish, all with tails.

Since I just read that article before I left, I thought it was very strange. Maybe it was just a birth defect or old injury?

I just can't see how that is attractive or desirable in a fish? They look way better with a tail, visually, never mind the cruelty.

Of course, at the same store, 3 minutes later, I saw a sea crab nab a little blue sea fishie with a yellow tail and eat it. The store lost $20 bucks or so by not paying attention to what they had together And there were others the same size in there.


Large Fish
Apr 2, 2005
Sunny Ireland.
Etheostoma said:
Humans from "civilized" cultures voluntarily subject their newborns to circumcision (amputate the foreskin) of the ***** (stupid filter, the word is p-e-nis), without a second thought. Cultures regarded as "uncivilized" voluntarily iron the breasts of teenage girls, and also remove their clitoris.

Cows, dogs, pigs, all manner of animals are routinely mutilated or tatooed for either appearance or to identify ownership.

Find a damn cause that will help a PERSON! Fix it.

Then worry about the animals. Jeezus!

Y'all got way too much time on your hands to be wasting your empathy and energy on fish. There are things going on that actually matter, or are you so disconnected from your fellow species to not care?

Animal activists have a lot of things in common; they're active, but their cause isn't going to help better the life of one single person. Maybe the operative term should be activeisn't?

Seriously. Y'all make me sick sometimes with your skewed causes.

Wow wow wow. Easy tiger!

This site is called My FISHTank after all!

I am fully aware of the points you brought up. However I am not going to make comment on another culture,which to be honest I know very little about. To be honest with you I'm a little surprised and disapointed by you comment. This is a site about fish after all. Everbody on here knows that there a far more important things happening in the world,then a few fish getting there tails lopped off. That said in the world of fish keeping this is a big deal and that is why I came here to share it,and not to a Jewish circumcision site or an African clitoris circumcision site!

In closing I would like to say that I will NOT be dragged into a flame war over this. Etheostoma,again I will say how shocked I was by the zeal of your post and I feel you would get along much better here if you left an attitude like that at the door!

Ps. the term "thoses crazy asians" was ment in an affectionate manner. Its well known that Stevie is a lover of all peoples.*PEACE!*

Aug 28, 2005
Missouri, USA
Yes, this is a fishkeepers site. Keep it to that.

You don't inject your opinions of practices, but stick to the facts, I won't comment about the tangential hipocrisy that you choose to engage.

Honestly, I really do get sick at all the posts about "this practice is bad, that practice isn't" and yadda-yadda-yadda.

Want to inform folks? Fine. Do that, and leave it at that.

Sentient persons are otherwise capable of making their own informed opinions with regard to bioethics. Myself among them.

Reality is not contingent upon acceptance.

I just spent four days hooking-and-unhooking some very magnificent fish from the end of my line. Some learned, some were eaten.

Just for the record, one cannot know all of the ecological atrocities visited upon any number of aquatic systems to satisfy our curiosity and desire to keep fish as pets or ornaments. If you're an activist of any sort you'd keep your fish in the creek or lake where they belong. Like it or not, tanks are cages, jails, prisons, no matter how clean or hospitable.

So, back to my original, knock off the judgmental commentary on certain practices or expect it to fly right back at you. Road runs both ways.

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I guess i just don't understand why someone would actually want to dye / lob of a a piece of a fish to make it more attractive ?
It's just inhumane, plain and simple, MOST - if not all, fish are perfectly attractive as they are, and both dying and chopping bits off will leave permanent damage to the fish...
Wouldn't they be less active, etc? So, what's the point!
I couldn't imagine anyone wanting a tank full of tail-less fish, anyway...


Medium Fish
Apr 22, 2006
Yeah, I understand dying - people want bright colors. Now, don't shoot me down. Now that I know there's so many deaths, I won't have anything to do with it - but I understand the desire for beauty and bold colors.

But I don't understand the appeal of the tail-less fish. I'm just thinking the trend will end soon and wondering what kind of sick individual thought of it in the first place and was idiot enough to try it - and how many fish died while they figured out how to medicate, where to cut, etc.


Large Fish
Apr 2, 2005
Sunny Ireland.
Etheostoma said:
Yes, this is a fishkeepers site. Keep it to that.

You don't inject your opinions of practices, but stick to the facts, I won't comment about the tangential hipocrisy that you choose to engage.

Honestly, I really do get sick at all the posts about "this practice is bad, that practice isn't" and yadda-yadda-yadda.

Want to inform folks? Fine. Do that, and leave it at that.

Sentient persons are otherwise capable of making their own informed opinions with regard to bioethics. Myself among them.

Reality is not contingent upon acceptance.

I just spent four days hooking-and-unhooking some very magnificent fish from the end of my line. Some learned, some were eaten.

Just for the record, one cannot know all of the ecological atrocities visited upon any number of aquatic systems to satisfy our curiosity and desire to keep fish as pets or ornaments. If you're an activist of any sort you'd keep your fish in the creek or lake where they belong. Like it or not, tanks are cages, jails, prisons, no matter how clean or hospitable.

So, back to my original, knock off the judgmental commentary on certain practices or expect it to fly right back at you. Road runs both ways.

Thats fair enough. All I was doing was making the facts known to people,and that,God forbid,I might make them sit up and think!

I have no problem with you leaving a comment that does not agree with me or anyone else on this page,but arent people allowed comment and pass jugement on any topic,with in the rules of the fourm of course? Is this site not here to talk about all things,good and bad,fishy?

So I say why not let people have there say?

Who is to say that a popular movement on mft could not have huge effect on the world? Such as ending dyed fish sale.

At the end of the day all we have is each other,to bring awerness into the hobby.

Jun 20, 2005
Southeastern Michigan
Dyed fish are in stores becasue there is a demand for them. If pet stores stock on dyed fish and they all just die, then why would they repeatedly stock the same dyed fish? Obviously, cause a lot of people buy them, either in ignorance, or not. I really feel sorry for the people who buy them in ingnorance, then figure out later they were dyed, but they are still supporting the trade. They should have done a little more research before just picking out a pretty fish at the store. Some people just really don't care how a fish gets to looks like it does, or it's health, just that it has bright colors.

The cutting of tails was really disgusting. Why? I mean, aren't long-finned fishes more popular than the others, in those species that have long-finned varieties? How the hell is cutting off a fin making the fish more attractive?

That article was seriuosly printed by a magazine for fish lovers?