a little pale


Small Fish
Apr 8, 2004
Richmond, BC
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Hey guys,

Just a quick question, I've noticed since yesterday my cardinal tetras and my dwarf gourami (orange/blue stripe) seem a little paler. A bit better today, color-wise. I am just wondering why? They are eating and swimming fine, and I don't see any bullying at all with all my fish. All my parameters are at 0 (nitrite, nitrates and ammonia), pH is at 7.6.

Although, my temperature went skyrocketting somewhat yesterday from 78 to 80 because it got sooooo hot over the weekend. It's back down now to 78.

Is it because of the (somewhat) sudden change with the temperature (I do check religiously, coz it's been so hot this weekend)? I came across some info about nitrates and it said that it's suppose to be good at very low levels? (I dunno about that, but apparently if it's lower than 5ppm it's suppose to be good?, mines at 0).

I feed them flake food, freeze dried bloodworm and algae flakes...... any advice on how I could get them to their maximum color????

Thank you!*SUPERSMIL


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
Yep, 0 nitrates is OK, but generally indicates a brand-new tank that hasn't established a nitrogen cycle yet. What test kit are you using?

A temp rise from 78 to 80F is nothing IMO. Tanks can easily fluctuate in temperature, especially when the ambient temps get warm. I know my 10g is very prone to this.

I know some of my fish look pale at night if/when I have to turn the room lights on for something. I often get up at 0315 for work. Ugh..


Small Fish
Apr 8, 2004
Richmond, BC
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I cycled it for about 6 weeks. I just added my fish about a week ago. I use the freshwater master test kit by Api and I have the aqueon quiet flow filter. I tested my parameters on sunday (most recent testing) and all said 0.

Am i missing anything? or just wait it all out? Thanks again.


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
Sounds like you're doing a fine job and your fish are happy and healthy. Just keep an eye on things and measure water parameters every now and then to monitor how fast your nitrates climb.

Maybe your fish are just growing a nice healthy slime coat, or are just getting acclimated. Their behavior sounds perfect.


Small Fish
Apr 8, 2004
Richmond, BC
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It was fishless........I just ran that biofilter and added those dechlorinator and that thing for ammonia (apparently both with live bacteria in them) and regularly tested the water...... Is there a huge difference between the two methods thyra? They seem to be ok now..... I'd still love to see more intense color though, but will that maybe come in time? Would love to know your tricks! :)


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
The fact that all your tests are zero actually means your tank is not cycled. Just running a tank without fish doesn't cycle it and I haven't heard much success with those bacteria in a bottle things. You need to continue to test your water frequently - maybe as often as daily and if you note any ammonia or nitrites at all do a 50% water change. The nitrates will eventually come along.


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
Oh boy... that kind of changes everything Babypink.

If you haven't gone through the process of seeing ammonia, then nitrites then nitrates (which can take weeks), like Thyra says, you're not cycled.

You can be OK as-is, but it will take regular water parameter testing and can take daily water changes depending on the size of the tank and amount of fish in it.


Small Fish
Apr 8, 2004
Richmond, BC
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Oh definitely! I'm checking my parameters all the time and watching my fish behaviour. They all seem to eating well and swimming fine! :D I am doing water changes every Sunday for now, then hopefully once a month or so as soon as I know things are ok! I am changing a little bit daily! About 5-10%......


Small Fish
Apr 8, 2004
Richmond, BC
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I know what you mean OC. Kind of look like them minus the dorsal fin, they don't have the black streak in them. They also remind me of blind cave but of course with the eyes! lol I don't really know, I mean when I saw their label at the LFS I was surprised myself coz I have never heard of albino tetras! who knows, maybe they were just the runts of the bunch as they were also just the two of them left in the tank! :)