A odd question


Large Fish
Jul 11, 2006
Syracuse, Ny
i have a 60g tank(empty) and a 30g tank could i in theory switch to a 60g and use 2 30g filters and put my current fish in with a tiger oscar in it? as my current goal in fish keeping is to get a tiger oscar and i think the 60 could hold the tiger till the end of the year?

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Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Hmm...the 60 would be fine for the Oscar...and yes you could put two 30g filters on a 60...but unless the Oscar you get is REALLY tiny...I dont know that all of your fish would make it till the end of the year with him. Oscars aren't "aggressive" or "predatory" persay....but they will eat anything that fits into their mouth, whether thats a tank mate or not :) AND they are a cichlid...so they are more aggressive than most any community fish. They also need a different diet than your other fish I believe...so it'd be a judgement call on your part.

Any reason you can't keep the 30 and the 60 running at the same time? I'd probably err on the side of caution and not try to put an oscar in with little fish.

Likes: Pure


Large Fish
Jul 11, 2006
Syracuse, Ny
yeah i plan on getting one from walmart for 8 dollars and they are wicked tiny >.>
i could pry get the 60 up seperatly its gonna take a little while as i gotta save 20 dollars every week for as long as possible... pry for the rest of my life would be good thats a 1000 a year so...i know i have weird goals in life... but i want a tiger oscar >.> so either i get the 60 set up or wait till the end of the year >.>

Aug 4, 2006
I think the neons will become snacks. The oscar will probably grow pretty fast...especially when its small. The adf and GBR will probably become snacks eventually. I just don't think its a good think to mix community fish with an oscar. I would hate to lose my fish. If it didn't eat them, it might kill them....you never know.

Likes: Pure


Large Fish
Jul 11, 2006
Syracuse, Ny
i dont wanna lose my adf or my gbr >.< those i will not part with the adf can go in my 1g... but the gbr wouldnt last long in the 1g...
hmm i wont be able to set up the 60 for awhile as i wanna do fishless cycle and sand bottom... what would u put in with a oscar to mix up sand as iv heard it can do sumtin funny if not mixed?
i have anouther odd question whats the correct way to support a fish tank? from the lip on a flat surface or support it from the bottom not from the lip?

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Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
The lip of the bottom of the tank directly supports the bottom of the tank, but you also have to make sure there is something under the tank to support the weight that is put down on the tanks sub support.

Not much else can go in a 60 gal with an Oscar. In a tank that size the fish will either become lunch, or if it's too large to be lunch will peeve the Oscar off due to territory issues.

MTS (Malaysian Trumpet Snails) can be put in there to keep the sand bed stirred and the Oscar will most likely leave them alone.

Aug 4, 2006
The only fish you could put with an oscar is maybe a pleco...and you'd have to make sure it is big enough not to get eaten, but not too big for the tank. Maybe a full grown bristlenose would work. I'm not sure how the oscar would take to it though.

Whats wrong with the 30g? Why can't your fish stay in there?


Large Fish
Jul 11, 2006
Syracuse, Ny
they theoreticly and very possibly may i was thinking if i did the 60g i could use my existing 30g filter and anouther 30g filter... and the deco from the 30 and just move the fish and buy a baby tiger oscar...
but from what u guys say i think ill wait it out and save


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Yes waiting it out would be best.

Adding even a full grown BN in with an Oscar would be pretty risky. the BN's body can definitely fit in the mouth of an Oscar, but I would be more afraid of coming home one day to find my Oscar had the BN lodged in his mouth. As an instinctive reaction the BN would open his fins and most likely stab the inside of the Oscars mouth trying to keep from being eaten.

An I can tell you from experience, once that happens in is a real PITA to get that fish out of their mouth.

The tank isn't large enough to support an Oscar and a full grown Common Pleco.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
No, Loaches are for the most part too small, and well again a large one will over do it on the load on your tank.

In a tank this size manual maintenance is about all you can do when keeping an Oscar in it.


Large Fish
Jul 11, 2006
Syracuse, Ny
hehe okie ill pry just do that then oh and i have an add on question my angel has what looks to be some type of scale rot its turned white and poofy (doesnt look like the ich) ammonia is a little high right now but nitrate's are okay... i plan to do anouther water change today... and uhh one of my mollies seems like he has the odd white rotty looking thing going on 2... any suggestions ill have money for meds on wensday(and carbon)