A odd question


Large Fish
Jul 11, 2006
Syracuse, Ny
arg my ich is coming back but my ammonia has dropped to 0 ish yay >.> uhh time to do water changes like crazy and try to keep my fish alive till wensday when i buy medications and a new carbon pad... and anouther hang on back filter i think? or should i go with a small in water filter or undergravel filter? also im gonna buy some java moss off aqua bid i think any other plants i could get with stock lighting?

you dont need meds for your ich unless theres something i dont know.But you can add salt to the aquarium directions should be on the pack and raise the temp to about 80-82 slowly so you dont cause stress on the fish.undergravel filters are a pain i would personally go with another hang on back filter.if your getting live plants i wouldnt use carbon either.all just my opinions