ok...this thread has produced no real responses to my questions...so I have edited/deleted some of my earlier posts. I decided that for this thread to hopefully become informative I have to listen all opinions even if they are not within the scope of the original questions. I let my personal opinion of someone derail this thread and for that I apoligize to those of you that may have came here looking to give or recieve insightful information.
Here is my opinion...We medicate with Melafix to much, we recommend using it to much, I think that if we are going to medicate we should have taken the time to research the symptoms and medicate properly. Your opinion may be different and thats fine. The reason I left the MSDS and the label for melafix up is these things are relevant to my arguement, I understand these warning are meant for humans not fish, however when we treat with this product we are allowing our fish to basically sit in a possibly hazardous substance for 7 days without any removal of this chemical. Please feel free to share your opinons.