A servant

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
Sometimes that's what I feel like. This morning I got up early to do Pinky's partial change, and cleaning. After it was done and Mr Lee was gently plopped back into his kingdom. I put on his aquarium light to show it was breakfast time. He eagerly swam to the surface awaiting his meal. Saturday's menu is Bloodworms. I put in two little ones and he grabbed one then spit it out! He went over to the other one and looked at me like to say it is to big. So I took my trusty tweezers and pushed it to entice his predatory instinct that was a joke he looked at the tweezers and looked straight up at me like "Well are you going to remove this from my precence?" So I obeyed and took both out and put new ones carefully chopped by hand into betta bite size pieces and put them in he swam over and then stopped in his tracks "I changed my mind, I do not want bloodworms today." Mr Lee always eats them on Saturdays. So I gave Prince Pinky his Bio Gold which he ate in 10 seconds. Who else feels like a servant to their wet pets raise your hand.:rolleyes: (my hands are both straight up)

Feb 10, 2006
Bay Area, CA
That's funny,

bettas have cool personalities. Luckily with my fish, they always eat whatever I give them whether its staple flakes or the bloodword treat. I wouldn't say doing a partial water change for a betta is anything to complain about. I do weekly changes on my 5 and 10, but I feel sorry for people with gallonage in the hundreds (mods, pure, and others).

But even though I feel like a servant at times, seeing the fish look healthy really makes you feel proud of your pet.


Large Fish
Apr 2, 2005
Sunny Ireland.

Reading waaaaaaayyyy to much into your betta's "expersions"

No way I'm a slave to my fish! I'm the master in my house! They dont eat till I tell them they can eat! They dont sleep......emmmm...uhh......at all actualy......Oh! They dont poop untill I tel..................Dam! That does not work either. But I AM the master! Of that there can be no doubt! Now lets never speak of it again!


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2006
im with stevie!

i dont feel like a slave, just something you gotta do to keep somthing you want.

thats wierd your betta spit out the worm! my betta jumps for frozen bloodworms when i put them just over the water. he LOVES THEM!


Large Fish
Dec 23, 2005
Hmm reading all these betta stories make them sound even better. I can't wait to get mine!:D
I don't feel like a slave to my fish. I feel like a slave to my plants. My wisteria is the worst. It has a lush green color which shows its healthy, but once in a while one or 2 leaves has massive hair algae growth on it. I prune that off right away. I like to have a nice looking tank so yes the rams do have a lot of color but the plants make me feel like a slave:D
When I had a betta, I had this cave that it would always go in and never come out. My mom would come into my room occasionally to look at him. If she couldn't find him she would start singing lol and there he would pop out of his cave and swim around in the front of the tank.


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Large Fish
Apr 2, 2005
Sunny Ireland.
fishlover1 said:
im with stevie!

i dont feel like a slave, just something you gotta do to keep somthing you want.

thats wierd your betta spit out the worm! my betta jumps for frozen bloodworms when i put them just over the water. he LOVES THEM!

are they live blood worms?

Jan 13, 2006
my new crowntail is already showing high maintenance, he refused the pellet food, so i offered him blood worms, he took a few bites of the bloodworms and then looked at me like, you expect me to eat THIS! he is worth it though he is just soooo pretty.


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
LOL Yep, I'm slave around here too. The betta isn't the worst of it though, but he is picky, he likes his betta bites, but only occasionally accepts his bettamin, he rarely likes bloodworms, and hardly will touch his brine shrimp.

Now the Oscar on the other hand... I have only had him for a week and he DEMANDS my attention! LOL If I am sitting at the computer, he watches me, if I get up, he follows me as I walk past him, if I get within 6' of him he begs for food like crazy, and if I turn his light on or touch the flap on the hood and he doesn't see food, he will stare at the surface for a while, then look at me, then back to the surface, then go attack my plastic plants! LOL He uprooted ALL of my plastic plants besides the ones that are attached to rocks! LOL He tries SO HARD to get those to come up too, but they simply don't budge! LOL Good thing he's only 4"! I took a mental note for when I decorate his big tank, SECURE EVERYTHING TO ROCKS OR DRIFTWOOD! LOL

Although I have to say, the dogs are worse, but the cat is the WORST! LOL If he wants you to pick him up and you don't, he will weave in and out of your legs untill you trip or pick him up. When he's hungry (he eats on top of the dryer so the dogs don't steal his food) he will sit on the dryer and meow and if you try to get past, he reaches out and grabs you and pulls you to him (or tries). I can't even go to the bathroom unless I make sure the door laches because if it doesn't latch shut, he will push that door open and jump on me! LOL No matter who comes in, if he wants attention he will jump on them and lay down and headbut your hands and/or chin untill you start petting him! LOL Yes sir, Pepe Le Pew! Even my dogs follow his rules, and they have NEVER seen a cat that they didn't think was a toy! They will stop and let Pepe walk past them and they will lay down promptly and roll over to expose their tummys if they run into him on accident! LOL

2 dogs with a combined weight of 100 pounds
1 cat about 5-6 pounds

You would think there would be no question who would win, it's odd to see. My last cat was their personal chew toy, not that she minded. (she would fall asleep while they chewed on her, as long as they didn't get too rough, if they did, she scratched them and ran to hide)

May 7, 2006
<------ raises hand!!

I have a Mr. Pink too and he likes to try to bite my fingers when I feed him. But my Mr. Blue is an eating machine who didnt appretiate the fact that I tried to sneak a little otto in his 5 gal tank *laughingc


Large Fish
May 5, 2006
*hands up* Yes, slave sounds right. Slave with a credit card to be more exact, and that just makes it worse! LOL If they want more rocks, or a different kind of food, etc. I am on it quicker than quick. The one thing I will not budge on are the live plants, which my cichlids uproot religiously, but I just smile and push them back into the gravel. THey can get all the gourmet treats they want, but the plants are staying!


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
LOL I know, they are all my babies. The gecko is the least demanding, although if she's cold she will sit under her heat lamp and stare at me untill I plug it in. LOL Getting 2 tree frogs this weekend, I think they will steal the title of least demanding. :)