A servant

My angels have already started to beg for food, whenever I get up to look at the tank, they go zooming past the other fish to the place where I drop the food. And they always look at me when I'm on the computer, and they are just begging for food, even though I just fed them 5 minutes ago.

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
GeraldTheMouse said:
My angels have already started to beg for food, whenever I get up to look at the tank, they go zooming past the other fish to the place where I drop the food. And they always look at me when I'm on the computer, and they are just begging for food, even though I just fed them 5 minutes ago.
Face it were walking refridgerators*SUPERSMIL


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2006
Definitely a walking fridge plus housekeeper! I walk past the table where Sir Cei sits and he gets all hyper and follows me (well as far as he can with his small bowl). And then my danios...PIGS I TELL YOU. Anytime I come near the aquarium for anything they start hovering near the top right on the side where I always feed them


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2006
Okay definitely felt like a slave tonight. I did a complete water change on both bettas bowls after doing a wc on my 55g and before i went to work. Were they happy? Oh no, Sir Cei got back in his bowl, inspected it and then looked at me like, "this isn't clean enough, do it again." And when i put Ambrosius back into his home he plucked an attitude, "after all that, what am i doing back in this sardine can?". Then later i go to feed everyone, his highness refuses to eat his brine shrimp. Bah, what i get for naming them after kings and knights...


Large Fish
Jun 14, 2003
Orlando, Florida
Visit site
I don't feel like a slave, but when I come near my 29 gallon, my tiger barbs all form in a little group at the top of the tank hoping I will feed them. Sometimes I will give them a few bloodworms to hold them over till dinner. They gobble those up faster than you know it. I just got the danios yesterday afternoon and my girlfriend fed the tank last night, and boy do the danios have an appetite. Will have to start feeding a little more so others can eat. Pigs they are. lol Whenever I go past my Bettas tanks they always come out and look at me like "what are you doing? Are you gonna feed me or just stand there" My bettas are picky, though. They refuse to eat the bloodworms and will only eat the tetramin, which they LOVE btw.:p