adding marine salt how much?


Large Fish
Apr 23, 2005
Austin, TX (born NYC)
I was trying to be polite with that remark. I have no intention of debating with someone that cannot spend a couple of minutes to learn the additives in common salt by doing a simply search. But yet the same person is ready to tell others his theories as to what is kosher salt salt as if they are hard facts.

I am not in the habit of doing anyone's research for them. We are all adult. If you really don't have the time do a google search or look up the free internet encylodpedia that has become very popular, pick a can of salt and look up the additives listed.

Now then tell me if elements suc as I, Fe, Mn, Mg and other are good for tropical fishes.



Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Snowy Upstate New York
Alrighty... I'll spell it out out for ya... I have done the research, I've presented had numbers in several of my posts. From my research, other people's math, and my own "back of the napkin" calculations, I have come to the conclusion that table salt is perfectly safe as a short term treatment for aquarium fish.

I'm by no means saying that most metals are good for fish (though in small doses they're harmless, and in some cases beneficial), so you can stop putting up that straw man unless you're willing to support it with some numbers that demonstrate anything approaching toxic concentrations.


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
Don't forget heat.... Raise the temp of your tank while treating with salt. Check to see what concentration of salt is appropriate for the fish you have in there. Be sure to treat for the appropriate length of time; don't stop treating as soon as the spots go away or they will come back. Be sure to keep up the salt concentration when you do water changes during treatment. I'm sure this was all in the info cited earlier in the thread. It'll work, just read up on it and get your facts straight. Good luck. :) Keep us posted.