Aggressive tank help


Small Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Not trying to go toe to toe on anything, no need to get defensive. Just saying I disagree with you on some points. I'm not sure what you were getting at when you said you don't have any aggression issues housing jewels with Africans. I never said they were more aggressive than Africans, I said they were more aggressive than your standard community fish and that the jewels I've kept could easily hold their own in a standard African tank.

The OP was looking for aggressive fish, though I wouldn't consider his initial choices to be aggressive, and so I suggested a couple more aggressive fish that would be happy in a 40 gal in my experience.

You could easily trade or sell convicts in my area to the LFS, they are fairly uncommon. Keep in mind there are people on this forum from all over the world, just because fish are common in one area doesn't make them the standard in another.

As for "what do you know", there's really no need to get huffy because someone is offering an alternative opinion to your own. IMO and IME, jewels and convicts would be suitable fish for what the OP wants and has available to him. You feel otherwise. That's fine. It's his decision, though I would encourage him to not take ANYONE'S opinion as gospel, and to let the suggestions and information given on this and any message board just be one facet of the research he does for himself when deciding what fish he would like to keep.


Small Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Just to add, though I've disagreed with you on several things in the last couple of days, I've read many of your posts and have agreed with plenty but haven't commented because I felt no need. So no need to feel like I'm insinuating that you don't know what you're doing, I think you are a knowledgable fishkeeper with valuable experiences to share and wouldn't hesitate to take some of your advice, particularly on Africans. However, I still stand by what I said and I respectfully disagree.


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
sorry sonofagun sometimes i get snappy its been a long couplea weeks round here to boot

right we agree on the jewels they are africans and are to be expected to act in that manner i would never suggest housing them with patties or guppies unless you were planning to use them as feeders lol

really there is a market there for convicts? generally speaking south Americans breed in such large batches that the market wont take as many as even one fish keeper can produce inside a year let alone a neighborhood of fish keepers (figure they are sold at all the chains as well as the local yocal shops so there are quite a few folks housing them out there)

my big beef with them is really aggression floor space and breeding

honestly i like my fish either super aggressive or comicality based id rather have a midus or a black nasty in my forty gallon alone then a crowd of convicts personally

Africans are a fine fish for a newbie as long as they can keep from filling their tank with other types of fish that are not Africans (generally they start tossing sa or ca or something else that is entirely inappropriate in the tank with in weeks of setting up (why do they do this to me? i think they just want to see me go nutso lol)

anywho sorry for being snappy i still think a crowd of convicts would be a bad choice for this guy if for no other reason then you really cant get into too much variety if you go that route