algea problem


Small Fish
Oct 24, 2005
Texas Hill Country
There are several Do-It-Yourself plans out there for CO2 kits. They're cheap, easy, and work pretty well. It shou;d cost you about 5-10 bucks to do a DIY CO2 kit on your tank. I've used them on most of my tanks and they've worked great. Just go to Google and do a search for 'DIY CO2' and you should find plenty of plans. If not I'll see if I can spell out how to do it for ya here on this forum... *thumbsups

Oct 11, 2005
i probally will never make it up as high as i should be. but whats a ood fixture that i coul put another light in. i have the two extra lights that came with the tank. so i guess i'd need some fixture that'd hold two lights. then i guess i could need a new lid too. plus i am really poor

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