Aligator ...


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
For a while now some of you may have heared (seen rather) me talk about how I really need to get my CAE 'Aligator' (algae -eater ;)) out of my 29 gal. Well I finnaly did it when I found him dead a few days ago. I dont know why he died, he always appeared to be very healthy (esp. when he was attacking my pictus cat).
Now I just feel guilty cos I always talked about getting rid of him :( I also feel like a bad aquarist because I think he may have been dead a day or two before I found him (judging by the condition he was in upon finding) I have just been really busy and didnt notice until there was a wierd smell lingering around the tank :(
Well figured Id dedicate a thread to him as its the least I can do :(