All members please post a pic of their tank!!!!

Apr 14, 2004
Northern Michigan
Visit site
My tank pics are in my signature along with the fish in the signature. However, the pics were taken on August 1st and things have changed and now some fish have died (guppy, swordtail (the one in my avatar), and the dwarf gourami), some transfered to 10 gallon (corydoras and danios), and some new ones were added (rams, new dwarf gourami, rasbora school, and clown loaches).

Some fish have stuck around awhile too, such as the pleco, angel, rainbow shark, black ruby barbs, and the solo rasbora in the pics.

Plants have also gotton bigger, and I have did more aquascaping on the left side and moved the java fern to the crack between the rocks.

I dont have access to a digital camera right now so it'll have to do.