ammonia problem

Ok for whoever mentioned to take a cup of tap water and let it sit over night then test it well I did and it never changed ph stayed at 6.5. I tested my tank water again this morning and still 5.5ph ammonia is up 0.25 nitrite dropped from0.8 to 0.3 nitrate is still 10 I guess the prime is starting to wear off. I am still completely shocked in the ph drop and wondering how did it happen the only thing that I added to the water was the salt unless that done it.
As for the ick problem im going to let the heat try to kill that off .

Feb 27, 2009
Will the prime give positive reading on the ammonia test???
If you test kit tests for 'total ammonia' and not just 'free ammonia,' then yes, a dechlorinator that binds ammonia such as Seachem's Prime will still register the ammonia. The ammonia is still there, just in a non-toxic form. The binding lasts only a few days, usually long enough for a healthy biological filter to consume it.


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
Yes certain types of rocks will effect pH. Pull the rock do a water change and see how it effects it over a couple of days. You can also test the rock with vinegar but I think it needs to be pulled and has to be dry to test it but been a long time, someone correct me if i am wrong but I believe it is if the vinegar bubbles up then the rock will affect pH, if it doesnt it will have little or no effect. Like I said it has been a long time since I have done it so I am not 100% on all of it.

Jest thought I would post an update I have replaced my carbon filter in my hob filter to a ammonia remover filter picked up a API ph test kit and tested water and it is telling me that the ph is 6.8 so I guess my other ph test was not working right. So other then that all is going ok for now.

Feb 27, 2009
I have replaced my carbon filter in my hob filter to a ammonia remover filter
Just a suggestion, put your thoughts into sentences. It is very hard to understand what you say without periods.

As brian states, if the filter is REMOVING ammonia, you will destroy the beneficial bacteria in your tank and it will not cycle properly.


Large Fish
Aug 13, 2010
IMHO, your pH is dropping from 6.5 to 5.5 because the bio-load is over-running your water's buffering capacity to absorb pH changes. This is probably because you have very soft water. Without a sufficient carbonate buffer, any added organic material can drop the pH by "taking up" all your calcium ions and stuff. Any further material and it just sits there and acidifies the water.