Some of you here know that I had breeding angelfish in my community tank, and I managed to raise some of the fry in a 5g tank. I did sell some of the offspring, but kept four. Meanwhile, my parent angels, still in the community tank, were spawning pretty much every ten days, but I wasn't saving the eggs/wrigglers as I had no other tank for them. They were like lovers, always together. In the last couple of months, the male's growth really outpaced that of the female, and the spawning started to be less regular; I also noticed that the male was being really aggressive towards the female, and she was basically swimming away from his attentions.
After private consultation with my sensei OrangeCones, I came to the realization that this breeding pair was not going to be okay long-term; plus, the male was becoming quite aggressive with the rest of the tankmates.
So I was planning on rehoming the male angel yesterday, but I could see that he had finally convinced his lady to breed. So I let them spawn together one last time. Here are pics of them:
After private consultation with my sensei OrangeCones, I came to the realization that this breeding pair was not going to be okay long-term; plus, the male was becoming quite aggressive with the rest of the tankmates.
So I was planning on rehoming the male angel yesterday, but I could see that he had finally convinced his lady to breed. So I let them spawn together one last time. Here are pics of them:
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