Angels in community tank


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
I'm really fascinated with the stocking in your tank. Particularly with it being about the same size as mine and yet you have a bunch of fish in there.

What kind of filter are you running? Do you consider yourself as going past recommended stocking levels?

I think you;ve donw a great job in selecting your fish.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Thanks, I think. I know I am overstocked. I haven't had any issue with my tank in terms of disease or unexplained deaths, or really very many deaths at all since I set it up 14 months ago. I do water changes religiously, watch my fish for any sign of stress or aggression, am decently planted, and am willing to rehome a fish if it doesn't work.
Some of this may be luck - I am not arrogant about my fishkeeping skillz - and I'm ready to make any change necessary for the overall health of the tank and the fish.
I'll post some more pics later this evening. If anyone thinks that I've set myself up for impending disaster, I'm open ears.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
I'm really fascinated with the stocking in your tank. Particularly with it being about the same size as mine and yet you have a bunch of fish in there.

What kind of filter are you running? Do you consider yourself as going past recommended stocking levels?

I think you;ve donw a great job in selecting your fish.

Thanks. I hope so too. Here are some pics. They aren't great pics, as there's still lots of ambient light right now, and I need to clean the front glass this weekend of a bit of the algae.
As said in my previous post, if I'm setting myself up for some sort of awful situation, and it's just been luck so far that hasn't caused a problem, I welcome all comments.
And I wouldn't recemmend this stocking for newcomers! And definitely not to add right away - this mix of fish evolved over many many months.



Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
You have a beautiful tank there and something to be proud of :) Reminds me of one of mine back in the day. And I don't think it's overstocked either, it's clearly very very well maintained so I have no doubt your filter can handle it. I do agree though I wouldn't advise that type of set-up to a beginner!


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Aw, thanks guys!
I actually don't even know how to get a read on AqAdvisor as there isn't an option for my BioWheel there. I suppose I could ask . . ..
And I think AqAdvisor is a super tool for newbies, or if one is contemplating more challenging or aggressive fish types.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Oh, which pic did you see the yoyos in?
Wow on your link, mine look very much like the angelicus Botia.
You know why they are called yoyo loaches, right? When they have perfect markings it looks like a Y shape and an O shape patterned together.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Okay, okay! Sorry guys, these pics aren't great. Hubby was watching TV and reading and wouldn't let me turn all the lights off, plus we just put a huge bronze sculpture right at the angle that used to work for the one setting on my camera that I used previously for kinda okay pics.
I also had a hard time getting all four together in the same frame. But you should be able to make out that mum is the one with lots of golden colouring, whereas the others are still mostly milky-white, and mutant-dude is shown in profile in the first pic. Last one is just as everyone is being fed for the evening.
I'll try to take better pics when I have more time to fuss, but you guys are so piggy!;)
In the first two pics here. They're chillaxin' with everyone at the top of the tank (looks like they think it's feeding time ;) ).

Edit: Okay, for some strange reason it didn't bring the pics with the quote, but it's the post on the bottom of page two with the four pics of mutant-dude and the other angels.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Oh okay.
Hey, don't mock mutant-boy! (That's my job.)

So now three juvies are in the community tank with Mum.

Third juvie: Ohai, you guys! Wondering where you went. Howzit? This is kinda .. . . big.
#1: Ohai.
#2: Hey!
#3: So whaddya do around here? I'm kinda nervous.
#1: Not much. Just hang.
#2: Yeah, we totally hang. We hang together. There's way wicked caves 'n stuff!
#1: Stop being so lame, mutant boy.
#2: Hey!
#1: Stop being a sissy. I will so get you sent back to the sissy tank.
#3: Umm, guys, can I stick with you here for awhile?
#1: Guess so. Maybe it would be more interesting not just being with mutant boy over here. There's some stuff to do, suppose.
#2: Hey! That's not nice. But whoa, yup! There's the bubbles, an' we explore the pots, an' we weave in an' out of the plants makin' friends with the platies, an' maybe I might be able to see Mum soon . . . . .
#3: Cool! Mum's here?
#1: Look, We're just getting things sorted, you know, mum 'n me, so back off a bit, right?
#2: But I thought we were gonna see her together, that it would be easier, you know, now that there are four of us? That if #3 was here, she'd be okay with me???
#3: Yikes, not here for major drama. You all have issues, man. I'm just the baby.
#1: There are not enough angelfish in the world to make you less a mutant, mutant-boy. But come along. Mum seems to be mellowing.

Mum: F**k. Are you cloning or something?


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
OMG too funny. Reminds me of the story of the fry from some time back....

I think we have the writer for the next 'nemo' style story with us!

Laura.....i was complementing you on your tank!

I think people can 'overstock' if they do it just right and I think you have.

Those eclipse tanks are awesome. My 3 gal was an eclipse. Bio-wheels rocks!


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
So funny Lauraf when i get my big tank with my Kribs and stuff ima do some comedy for it to LOL i dont really have much comedy with my betta and gourami cause they just sorta chill and look for food on the bottom. Btw as an update there still doing fine as well i added some freeze dried baby Gammarus shrimp to there diet :)


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
OMG too funny. Reminds me of the story of the fry from some time back....

I think we have the writer for the next 'nemo' style story with us!

Laura.....i was complementing you on your tank!

I think people can 'overstock' if they do it just right and I think you have.

Those eclipse tanks are awesome. My 3 gal was an eclipse. Bio-wheels rocks!
Aww, thanks TAL.
But again, not recommended for people just starting out.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Mumma angel went back to the fish store, because she was just too mean towards the juvies. Very sad, but it is all for the best of the juvies in my 39g community.

#2:: Hey!!!
#!:‘Sup, mutant-boy.
#2: Sop calling me that . . . .
#1: Snigger.
#2: Have you seen Mum today?
#1: Umm, actually, no. She took a swing at me last night so I took off. Haven’t seen her since then.
#2: You serious? I thought you two were getting along.
#1: Yeah, kinda thought so too. She got all weird all of a sudden. I think she’s got issues, or something. Actually, she might be, dunno, really crazy or unstable or something..
#3: Omigod, you guys, hai! You will never believe what jus’ happened!
#2: What?
#:3: Just saw Mum take off in a strange car!
#1: Whaaaa???
#3: She turned ‘round to tell me that she was mistaken – was in love with Dad the whole time, leaving here to find him!
#1: Huh?
#3: Sez we’re on our own!

#1 – Well, y’all, you know what this means?
#2, #3 – no, not quite clear.
#1 – the crib is all ours! Partayyy!!!!


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Moved last juvie angel into the community tank with the other three juvies. Little bit of an adjustment period happening. Started following one angel right away; he kinda whipped around after a while, 'suggesting' that she go do something else.

#4: Ohai! Ohai! Ohai! This is where you've all been!
#1,2,3: Hey 'lil one!
#1: You look real pretty. I like how your fins got all, ya'know, pretty.
#4: Meaning how long and shimmery they are? Yeah, once you guys left, I kinda had, well, dunno, some space. I guess i just kinda grew up.
#2: Wanna hang with me?
#4: Mutant boy! Good to see you. Thought maybe mum sent you packing. She never liked you.
#3: Whoa, you didn't hear? Mum took off. Went to join dad.
#4: Who's 'dad'?
#1: Cripes, you are so dumb.
#4: Hey! I'm not dumb, just pretty.
#1: Right, okay, just stop following me. I have things to do.