Oh okay.
Hey, don't mock mutant-boy! (That's my job.)
So now three juvies are in the community tank with Mum.
Third juvie: Ohai, you guys! Wondering where you went. Howzit? This is kinda .. . . big.
#1: Ohai.
#2: Hey!
#3: So whaddya do around here? I'm kinda nervous.
#1: Not much. Just hang.
#2: Yeah, we totally hang. We hang together. There's way wicked caves 'n stuff!
#1: Stop being so lame, mutant boy.
#2: Hey!
#1: Stop being a sissy. I will so get you sent back to the sissy tank.
#3: Umm, guys, can I stick with you here for awhile?
#1: Guess so. Maybe it would be more interesting not just being with mutant boy over here. There's some stuff to do, suppose.
#2: Hey! That's not nice. But whoa, yup! There's the bubbles, an' we explore the pots, an' we weave in an' out of the plants makin' friends with the platies, an' maybe I might be able to see Mum soon . . . . .
#3: Cool! Mum's here?
#1: Look, We're just getting things sorted, you know, mum 'n me, so back off a bit, right?
#2: But I thought we were gonna see her together, that it would be easier, you know, now that there are four of us? That if #3 was here, she'd be okay with me???
#3: Yikes, not here for major drama. You all have issues, man. I'm just the baby.
#1: There are not enough angelfish in the world to make you less a mutant, mutant-boy. But come along. Mum seems to be mellowing.
Mum: F**k. Are you cloning or something?