what do u mean what the deal is? I have 11 bettas and no problems with them at all. In a month or so I am planning to get more like 12 more total. It is so sad that people buy the bottle water at Petstore listed for bettas, that is the biggest scam for unsuspecting new betta owners. The bottle water for bettas is what killed your betta because betta are fairly cheap to buy and most people don't think much of it when they loose a 3 dollar fish , it is a marketing tool for these company to make money. The water has no beneficial minerals for the bettas, tap water is best with water conditioner to remove the harmful chemical in tap water and white stuff that sounds like fungus or ick and you have to treat just like any living thing. I had a LFS employee ask me about why her new bettas died while the one she had for a year had no problem, well I ask her what did she do when she got the two new bettas, she went on to tell me she put water in the container and put them in and the next day they both died. I assumed she used tap water and conditioner before putting them in the 1 gallon containers when she then told me she used bottle water and put them in their tanks. I said that was your problem that is why the two bettas died the next day. I proceed to show her that even at the store she is working for sells betta water in a bottle, that is a big no no. Bettas you get from the stores are kept in tap water conditioned for them and when you use bottle well there are no beneficial minerals for them. You can use spring bottle water but you have to acclimate them slowly to the spring water or they will die also. I am very cautious of my bettas since I have halfmoons, crowntails, and 1 veiltail. I have a gold platinum halfmoon, green/turquoise halfmoon, lavender butterfly halfmoon, copper green halfmoon, steel blue crowntail, white opaque crowntail, solid red crowntail, apache looking crowntail red/white, blue crowntail with some red wash, blue female crowntail with some red wash, red veiltail