blue rams would go nicely in there as ronrca said. they are not agressive and like to be kept in at least a pair. guppies and rams are both from the amazon so, what the heck.
now...i got 5 guppies, and 2 platy in my 10gal...i kind of wanted to add more, because the tank seems kinda empty, like there's not many fish swimming in there.
Will there be too many fish if i add more?? maybe like two or three more platy??
I'd stop since guppies get 2 inches a piece themselves..... See you just can't see how big they are now either you have to know how big?how fast they grow to actually know when to stop. Depending on how big they are now and if you plan too move them to another tank soon.One more thing is that you have to understand the fishes need. Yes, since guppies are active fish and Platies are too they would take up more space the your regular stock basis.Well, IMO i would stop.Sorry, if it doesn't rally make sense on how i wrote it in order but, i was in a hurry. ;D
yeah barbs can be nippers. guppies are good fish. did you put the old gravel from the 1 gal into your new tank? That would be a good idea to help out with cycling.
you could do some dwarf gouramis (after thee tank is matured). those are so pretty.
hi i recon that you should get some bright swordtails they look really good i say and hopefully you will be able to breed them but you must have 2/3 females to 1 male
cowboydude: "Not puffers. They like brakish water and they are very aggressive and a 10 gallon is to small for them."
I've got 2 puffers in different tanks and they are the most passive/slow/dopey fish in the tanks, if anything they are the ones that get picked on. Granted mine are relativly small (1.5" but they don't get a heck of a lot bigger...maybe 3" max I've read. Also, mine have done fine in fresh water with just a few spoonfuls of dr. whoever's salts...
Hello - I'm new too. I also have a new ten gallon tank. I have four bloodfin tetras and 3 pairs of guppies. Unfortunately, the tetras (who were the first tank residents) immediately attacked two of the female guppies (the second set of tank residents). Why? I thought that tetras were peaceful beasts.
Anyone have any idea what the deal is? Did my tetras get a secret shot of testosterone or something?
If you wanna go with barbs get cherry barbs. Easy to breed and very undemanding. They will never nip another fishes fins. They do much better in a school of six. Females are much duller and you will be able to tell quickly. Males like to display to each other and thus keep in beautiful colors all the time.
In response to the puffer "problem", there is a sub-species of pufferthat lives in fresh water. I've got 'em and the come in as "Green/Gold Dwarf Puffers".We don't have any saltwater/brackish at work so they live in fresh. The info we have on them also states that they are freshwater. They will only get around 1.5 inches but can tend to be fin nippers.