Anyone get bubbles from their canister filter?


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
Personally my Fluval has stopped bubbling over the past month (I didn't open it up any time recently) so 1/2 of my problem is gone. Still i think my eheim ecco is still bubbling...and not just from the CO2 being injected into it. I still see a portion if it at the top (its a clearer canister) filled with I guess I'll soon have to either tighten up the hose clamps or silicone the hoses onto the canister..

As far as the bacteria go, be very careful. like JRB said, even one day w/o a food source the bacteria will die and you'll have to recycle the tank...The bacteria get their food from the ammonia produced by fish waste. this ammonia flows constantly through the filter when it's running...if it's not running, the bacteria starve because they cant move around to where the ammonia is, even if the canister is filled with water..bacteria are stationary lol. so just be on the look out for any ammonia or nitrite spikes.