Hmm.. well, after about 20 minutes of flipping thourgh my 2 copies of baensches aquarium atlases, I came up with 3 options. None of them look identical, but most have some significan features that resemble ur fish. Beautiful little fish by the way, I'm very envious. Anyway the first one was..
Cynolebias boitonei. Common name is the Brazilian Pennyfish, and it's a killifish. The males are red-brown body that darkens posteriorly. Anteriorly are light vertical bars whch posteriorly change to bands of light-blue luminous dots then irredual dots at the caudal peducle. And I really hope sumone out there can dumb it down, cuz I am SOOO lost.. I just type it, I don't understand it.. hehe anyway, they are peaceful solitary fish, and the males are very lively. They like small tanks, a species tank is prefured. They are an annual species that does not always dive into the substrate to spawn, thinner peat layers are sufficent. The males court the females with a butterfly-like dance. Feed live foods, that correspond with the size of the fish. They get about 1.5" long and a 10 gallon tnak is an ideal home for them. They live mostly on the mid to bottom parts of the tnak, and are pretty difficul to care for. A temo of 68-75 is prefured
Macropodus ocellatus (species of paradise fish) The males has a large orange tail fin, and strong blackish vertical stripes on the head and anterior body regions. Females have a weaker patterend and are somewhat smaller. Male has pointed enlonged dorsal and anal fins on the females these tips only reach to the end of the tail. They are less aggressive then many of the other paradise fish. Single animals can be kept with catfish, larger cichlids, and later tetras, however, pairwise care is recommended. A well planted tank with a variable temo in the summer and for breeding up to 86 is rolloerable, but, in the winder not colder then 41. Can be kept in a small garden pond with ease during the summer, because it is a rare fish, hardly anyone will do that. Water with a ph of 6.0-7.5 hardness between 5-25 dGH. Part of the tnak hsould be covered with floating plants. Builds a large bubble nest under a large leaf, to induce breeding, lower water level, and increase them temp. Up to 500 fry, fered them infusior first, followed by brine shrimp. Feed live foods, flake, frozen, and freeze dried. They get 3" long, and the best home, would be a 20 gallon tank, with a temp between 59 to 72.
Badis badis burmanicus Burmese Badis (perch). The male has a concave verntal line, and bright colors. The female has a convex ventral line, less intesnse colors, and is somewhat smaller, They are peaceful fish and less territorial then the Badis badis badis. They are a cave spawner. They need a desnly plants 30 gallon tank with a sand substrate and caves. (halved coconut shells or flowerpots work well) Use roots and rocks to provide hiding spaces, no special demands on water chemistry. However a ph around 6.5 with a GH of about 15D does nicley. Aquarium should not be bright since animals do not appreciate much lights, use floating plants, refulart water cahnges are important. Temp around 79-82 when breedng, it is quite easy. Can be done in very small tanks, use soft warm water with peat filter for amber color, spawing ovvurs in caves. Male tanks care of spawn of up to 150 eggs. The yound hatch after about 3 days, until the yolk sac is absorbed. Feed you with crustacea nauplii (brine shrimp) The adut will do well with a diet of live foods, shrimp, scrpaed meat, liver, and the occasion flake food. They need a 30 gallon tnak, with a temp of 75-70 and are very difficult to take care of. They swim in the mid to bottom refgions of the tank.
Hmm... Hope that helped some, there might be sumthing in all that, that will help you figure out what they are. Other then that, I'd say wait until there full grown, and try posting some emore pics, see if anyone else has any better ideas then that...