Aqua Clear

Jan 13, 2006
i dont really change my media except for the carbon i replace the carbon every 2 months and i have the sponge media that i simply swish in the tank or if it is too grimmy i just rinse it out in a small bowl or bucket with fishy water, i also have the ceramic inserts but those only need a quick swish in the tank water and they are good to go. i have had my tank up for almost a year now and only have changed things once due to my other filter breaking. MEMO! dont let your filter run dry!!! it kills it. i found out the hard way.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I dont use carbon in my tanks unless its specifically to pull a smell or a medication etc out of the water.

The normal filter floss I dont change except maybe once or twice a year. Swish it in water that you took out from a water change to get the big gunk off...NOT in chlorinated water! Dunking it in the tank doesn't do anything except put those chunks back in the water to get sucked into the filter again... I've never felt the need to change my ceramic cylinders...again just rinse once in awhile.


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
Visit site
I use the sponge, filter floss and the noodles. Everything gets dumped into the bucket during water changes, swished/squeezed and replaced back into the filter. When the floss gets nasty looking, I replace it (I get the bag of floss at Walmart in th ecraft section) The sponges and noodles never get replaced. I don't use carbon either but always have some packets of it handy.

Feb 10, 2006
i use 2 aquaclear 70's on my 75, change the carbone every 6 weeks or so, and when you change carbon take spunge and rinse it underwater in the sink and squeeze out the nasty stuff until semi clean....


Medium Fish
Nov 27, 2005
Edmonton, Alberta
i c cause now in my 30 i have the sponge, some zeo-carb(ammonia remover and carbon together) and the bio max. I guess ill leave the bio max and change the zeo-carb every 2 months and maybe the sponge every 6 months.

May 9, 2005
What do you think about sponge biological capacity vs. a bag of biomax? I cut my sponge into think pieces because
1. itll have mores surface area 2. itll be easier to clean.
I dont like how it combines mechanical and biological since then its hard to get either done well. Is an extra sponge= to a bag of biomax?
Currently I have a sponge prefilter made of the AC sponge cut in half, then a thin layer of sponge pads, a AC 110 biomax bag, and then a thick layer of floss held down by a smaller bag of biomax.

Turtle, I've asked that same question before. If you believe the manufacturers, the biomax should be much better, but they have a tendancy to exaggerate things...

In either case, I believe the biomax would be better. It is possible to get a lot of surface area out of something if it is designed for it. So, No, I don't thing an extra sponge would give you as much bio capacity as biomax would. In my case, I have biomax and two sponges. A single sponge and two bags of bio would most likely be better, but I'm already well over what I need, so it would be pointless gross overkill

May 9, 2005
The annoying thing with AC's is they tend to bypass. THat side chamber and the edges around the media let alot of water bypass. Even with my filter floss as the last layer it clogs very fast, alot of debris somehow gets up there.