Aquascaping Question


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I am not in any hurry, sure I would love to put the water in the tank but I will wait. I have to take the tank outside anyway, LFS guy has talked me into spry painting the back of the tank and that will take a good day to dry. I got a can of Krylon True Blue paint ( he told me what kind to get) I tried Home Depot and Lowes, neither had it, got it at Wally World. While I was at Lowes I got the tubing to extend the tubing coming out of my RO/DI unit so that it will reach fron the sink to the tank, hopefuly that will come in tommrow. I also bought a piece of plexiglas to put on the back of the tank cabnet, not the whole back, just the area around the sump and skimmer.