Online with M brought many people keep mixed breed or mongrel dogs and have the oppinion its not the dogs fault it was born that way? They still buy them, or worse, accept them free of cgarge as the owner wants rid of them
i think you misunderstood me, and dont understand what i am saying here.
the actual dog "breeds" are unnatural and would not exist in the natural world without man's artificial selective-breeding. you would NEVER see dogs like st. bernards, yorkies, bloodhounds etc. if we had not breed them ourselves for specific purposes such as hunting, work, etc.
in a natural system, natural selection would minimize all of these attributes and you would end up with a dog about the size of a coyote with much higher fitness than the breeds we have now. look up "dog genome project" on, you will see what i mean.
i actually prefer mongrels, which normally do not have many of the problems associated with "pure" breeds such as hip-displasia (sp?), cancers, etc.
my argument is this: I dont understand how you can argue for long finned fish, albinos, high-colors, etc. - but against hybrids.
since hybridization occurs in the wild, as well as albinos, long fins etc. i dont see how hybrids are any more "unnatural" than line-breds??
i just dont care for parrot fish, as many of them are deformed and and have physical-abnormalities that hinder their ability to properly function.
i honestly dont care if someone else wants to keep them--- they are not in my fish tank.
this subject has been beaten to death on every forum i have been a member of, and it usually gets people angry for reasons that i dont understand.