Baaah! My water is cloudy!


Superstar Fish
The LED's will also take the yellow look away as well and really make the colors of the fish and future coral POP. Have you gotten any new stuff in there yet? I just bought a Yellow Eye Kole Tang for my 150G on Fathers Day, he is starting to come out now, he was very shy at first. I also fragged some Birds Nest from the 40G and put it in there too. I also bought a tiny Maroon clown but I cant find him now after the 4th day and a Bangui Cardinal turned up dead yesterday morning as well. Its a mystery, all the nutrients check out zero besides nitrate which is about 5-10PPM. Maybe I one of the other fish are being mean to the others. I guess I will have to keep an eye out.

Dec 14, 2011
I bought a turbo snail, two tiny blue leg hermit crabs, and one fairly large beautiful Halloween Hermit crab. I'm not sure if the snail is alive though, I haven't smelled it yet today. I've read that they can stay still for a couple of days after being introduced and that they smell awful once they've died. I'm going to replace all of the rock when I get some different lights. I'm waiting because I'll probably buy some that already has a couple of corals established on it. I know at one pet store in Madison they were selling their live rock at their normal price whether it had corals or not. I couldn't tell you what kind of coral it was though, lol.


Superstar Fish
If you replace your rock only do it a rock at a time as to not cycle your tank. Keep an eye on the ammonia after making the swap as well. I have wiped out my 10G doing this before with to much at one time.
Those snails will smell awful and be sure to check him everyday as these really pollute the tank when they die. If you take pics of the coral we can identify them for you.


Superstar Fish
Dec 14, 2011
It is a camelback, lol. It came with the tank and I just haven't bothered switching it out yet. I'm going to get a cleaner shrimp instead, but I'm just not in a rush right now. And thank you. The hermit crab is my favorite so far.


Superstar Fish
Thats a great collection. The only thing that is a miss in the tank is the frogspawn. They need a 6" radius from other corals because they have stinging tentacles that can hurt/kill other corals. I had one in my 10G and had to move him to my 150G to get him far enough away from other corals. He was fine when he was small but then he began killing the xenia stalks which is no major loss as it grows like a WEED.
The little round polyp things are really neat, they are called zoa's, paly's, polyp's, button poly's ect. They stay small and dont spread fast and are easy to care for. The Acan or brain corals are about the same a growth too and are pretty easy to maintain as well.
The green stuff on the back glass is green star polyp and the white stuff next to it is Xenia, these both grow like weeds so you will be trimming it back and giving it away or throwing it away so dont feel bad if you get this coral and need to do so.
Also for coral ID and a good learning site go to liveaquaria, they have a great site with good info and great pics of what they are talking about. The corals are even broke down to beginner stuff and Nano. I would look to the Nano stuff as this will be stuff that stays small or grows very slow.

Dec 14, 2011
Would I need to change anything in my tank other than the lighting for the corals? The powerhead should be here tomorrow, but other than that, I only have a heater and the HOB filter. It doesn't look like that person has anything different than me other than some extreme lights. I really need to read up on how to take care of corals, I don't even know what they consume.


Superstar Fish
The light is the only thing you really need to worry about. Those corals in the pics get most and up to all of the their nourishment from the algae that lives inside of them. Photosynthesis feeds the algae do to the light and the waste the algae produces feeds the coral. The coral will catch small particles in the water column so this is why most tanks with coral do not use a filter because this would trap food the coral would eat. I do not use any media in my SW tanks. The only filtration I use is live rock and an Algae scrubber to remove the nutrients (nitrates and phosphates). A couple/three times a week I feed liquefied food (heavily blended shrimp and or oysters, homemade) to the tank to feed the corals at lights out.