Babies Dying in filter

Dec 5, 2011
Walla Walla, Washington
I Started out finding 13 babies on Dec 11. 5 died, I found 2 more which made 10 total. A couple weeks ago one of the babies got stuck in the filter and died. This morning I found 2 in the filter after counting only 7. One made it out before it died, but the other didn't have as much luck. I now have 8 (seems like a long story...).

Now the question: What can I do to stop them from getting sucked up in the filter? I put a piece of screen over the bottom, but I don't know if the holes are big enough to let the gunk through.

I know it would actually be better if some died because these are MOLLIES we are talking about!! They like lots of room, and I only have a certain amount of tanks (see signature)!

Thanks in advance!

Feb 27, 2009
What are your readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate in the molly fry tank? (Sorry if it sounds like a broken record.)

Young fish are often found in the filter after they have died or are too weak to swim, having succumbed to poor water quality.


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Don't say that it's good that the Mollies die. My Banded Kuhli Loaches are 1 inch long, so I had to cover up the filter intake with type 7 mesh. I simply formed it around the intake and stapped it down with a rubberband. There's still nice water flow going on, so it should suck up some of the gunk.

One day, I noticed that one of my Banded Kuhlis went missing, so I looked all around (taking out the decorations and such) and then I decided to pop open the filter. He was in there, perfectly fine. At first I was wondering how he made it past the impeller, but then I noticewd the water level and his position in the filter. He had swam up the filter output and swam to the bottom of the filter. where it was safe. Now I keep the water level quite a bit lower from the water level. I still see the same Kuhli trying to swim against the current of the water. :p


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Sladespider I don't quite understand you math - you started with 13, you say 5 died then you found 2 more dead. That means to me 7 died (2+5=7) At that point you would have 6 left. I can't figure out how you totaled "10". Then today you found one more dead in the filter and are saying you have 8 left, but 13-7=6 and minus the one today would leave only 5. You could put a piece of nylon hose over the intake. A filter is more for oxygenation than for removing gunk, although it does some of that too. It is the vacuuming that removes most of the gunk.

Dec 5, 2011
Walla Walla, Washington
Well, at least we can be friend on here! :p

The babies are now about 3/4 to almost 1 inch long, now! They are so CUTE!!! Earlier, what I said about the mollies dying, I just meant that I have no room! My friends don't want any, and I still haven't been to petco recently to ask them about giving them some. I don't want them to go, but they need to go to a good home where they won't be in a crowded tank.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I have a great idea! Why don't you two make a thread and call it Slatespider & Kiara and then we all wouldn't have to look at your threads thinking you had an important question. We would know you were just chit-chatting.