Back in business! Help with stocking


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
Careful with wood though, especially if you're not buffering your pH with anything.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
So i thought id update you all. I went to last night and posted a thread. Got to talking and it seems that i cannot keep more than 1 species of shelldweller in a 10 gallon tank according to them (I really think its cause they all like to see them raise there babys i however am more of a mixed cichlid community fan) i bucked at first to the idea but then i came more down to there level and i guess im doing a Neolamprologus Multifasciatus species tank. Il take pics and update everyone probably saturday when i go to petsmart to pick up my sand and my manual cleaner pump thingy.

Also, my school project is going great, i have 12 of my 15 slides complete, now just got to record me talking about each slide and get it linked to my slides haha.