Bacteria Starter Test


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Antwan...that isn't the point of the test. The point is to test the Cycle product...I don't think fishman is debating good ways to cycle a tank.

Feb 18, 2003
Durham, NC
Yes Froggy is correct. My point of this test is to determine if these bacteria starters actually work or not. Plus I don't really need anymore fish right now. Wow I never thought I would say that. I haven't heard of the bacteria coming from the fish but my test will prove that! I've heard the actual bacteria exists in small amounts in our tap water.

Feb 18, 2003
Durham, NC
Sorry I haven't updated this all week. So far Cycle is in the lead. I added 2 capfuls of cycle to one of the 5 gallon buckets on 6/9/2003 at 12:04 am. Today the ammonia was down to 4.0 and the nitrite was .25. The bucket without cycle still had an ammonia reading of 5 and 0 nitrites which both buckets had in the beginning. The ammonia might have been 6 at first. It's tuff to tell the colors apart. After this test is completed I am going to thoroughly clean everything and test it all again just to make sure the readings are consistent! But so far it all looks promising! I will probably check the water levels every 3 days.

This isn't related directly to this test but I thought I would share it. My 10 gallon which I have live plants and 4 guppies in there I thought had cycled but it wasn't enough ammonia at first in there. With the addition of the guppies the ammonia and nirties were very high. I opened up the canisterfilter on my 20 gallon, took out some of the substrate and placed it in the filter bag on the 10. In two days the ammonia was 0 and the nirties are at 1.0 now! Just thought I would share that!

Feb 18, 2003
Durham, NC
I had checked the date on mine before. It's good for 2 more years! Well mine says Cycle and at the bottom of the box/bottle it says Nutrafin. On the side it mentions being distribued by Hagen and lists their website. I figure as long as it says Hagen on there it's good for me. I've been very satisfied with their products!

May 21, 2003
Indianapolis, IN
Visit site
Alot of people use CYCLE. I used it and my nitrites went to 0 in 3 days. But people need to think about this because most people buy CYCLE when they are tired of thier nitrites being high for so long. My tank finially cycled after 30 days. Which is normal for my 30 g tank. Maybe my nitrites would have dropped even if I didn't add the CYCLE. Just something to think about.

Feb 18, 2003
Durham, NC
My guess is cycle will trim a week or two off of the whole cycle process. Bio Spirra would work a lot quicker I think. I'm still trying to find some around here. Hey Mike do you think you could run the same test I have, except use Bio Spirra?

Feb 18, 2003
Durham, NC
Excellent. That's one thing I'll not have to test! When my test is done and I retest cycle for consistency, I will try stress zyme. Although that one I don't think really does much of anything. I think the best thing to do in the end is just seed a new filter for a tank with substrate or filter media from an established tank! It probably saves a little bit of money unless you don't have an aquarium to seed from!


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
i could try to test both or all products but be warned i'm not a very organized person to the tests may be a little skewed as far as an update a day and such.also there is new formulations of fritz zyme and biozyme tw other bacteria starters.fritz zyme is expensive though.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Sure Mike...I think as long as you're careful to do tests at the same time and keep both test "tanks" (buckets whatever) under the same conditions then the results would interest all of us!! I'd like to see if that stresszyme stuff actually works...the petsmart guy tried to sell me that and I turned him down lol

Never heard of fritz zyme though

Feb 18, 2003
Durham, NC
The bucket with cycle still has 4 ppm of ammonia and now has .50 of nitrite. The bucket without cycle is still at the other levels. So it would appear cycle does something after all. This is the second week but so far it looks very promising! I can't wait to test it again just to make sure.