I picked up a cute little 5 Gallon Hex yesterday at Walmart (will attach a picture when I can get ahold of the digicam again)
I haven't put anything in the tank (except water/ammonia/cycle so it can start cycling) because I'm going to use it to move my fry into as they get larger. I'd like to keep it pretty sparse as far as a substrate...but looking at a COMPLETELY empty tank even if it has fish in it is going to drive me crazy I think.
I'm definitely not a big time breeding operation...this is my first "brood" so to speak...but I put the tank close to where I am a lot (TV, Computer) so I can watch them and I want the tank to be asthetically pleasing...but I don't want to endanger the fry (like they are now with the giant gravel they can swim down in and get stuck)
Anyone have any ideas? I realized that the kind of tank i'm contemplating is akin to the ones they have at walmart that I hate so much with the reflective bottom and a cheesy decoration or two... -=sigh=-
I haven't put anything in the tank (except water/ammonia/cycle so it can start cycling) because I'm going to use it to move my fry into as they get larger. I'd like to keep it pretty sparse as far as a substrate...but looking at a COMPLETELY empty tank even if it has fish in it is going to drive me crazy I think.
I'm definitely not a big time breeding operation...this is my first "brood" so to speak...but I put the tank close to where I am a lot (TV, Computer) so I can watch them and I want the tank to be asthetically pleasing...but I don't want to endanger the fry (like they are now with the giant gravel they can swim down in and get stuck)
Anyone have any ideas? I realized that the kind of tank i'm contemplating is akin to the ones they have at walmart that I hate so much with the reflective bottom and a cheesy decoration or two... -=sigh=-
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