Beginners Question: Tetras and Danios.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Usually tetras and danios will be OK together, but only if you have a large enough group of each. I would NOT put them together in your 8 gallon tank, you're going to need to pick one or the other to get a school of.


Superstar Fish
I highly suggest finding the time to research before you decide upon anything. Here is a good place to start;).

So, yes, most will be fine together. Some of the larger tetras may not get along with certain danios (longfinned, giant, etc.) and some giant danios may not get along with certain tetras. The "normal" danios - zebra, leopard, pearl, gold - will be fine with most small tetras.

However, Froggy has implied that these may be for an 8 gallon this combination is not a viable option. In fact, danios are incredibly active and it is often suggested against to put them in a 10g tank. Partly because they appreciate more room and partly because all their movement can look "messy" in a smaller tank.

You could fit a small school of tetras in that tank (it isn't a weird shape, is it? Like a hex?), such as cardinals, neons, glowlights. Maybe 6 of them.

in my experience, danios NEED to be in groups of 4 to 5 or more because 1 or 2 of them will terrorize the other fish (which is what happened to me when i started my first tank) If you do get a group of like 4 or 5 you wont' have much room in their for them to school and also the tetras want some room for them to school too and like to be in nice big groups also so go with one or the other like everyone else has said


Superstar Fish
Feb 1, 2004
middletown, CT
i used to keep a school of 5 black skirt tetras back when i first started out with fish. it was a great beginners tank. they schooled nicely all the time. i'll post a pic if i can dig one up.


Medium Fish
Aug 3, 2005
Speaking of neons......I wanted some of them but my sister in law has had tanks for some time now and says they are hard to keep for her. I only have 11 platies at the moment in a 46G bowfront. I like the neons, will have to research the danios....thanks, Sapphire

neons aren't hard at all, maybe a little hard for a beginner but they are quite easy when you know how to take care of fish. When my friends first started their tank they didnt know what cycling was and almost every last tetra died of nitrite poisoning (after i tested their water their nitrites were off the chart) then i told them to use seachem stability and now none of their fish have died :D

Balloon fish i wish you could come see my tank and check it out for ME! LOL!!
I'm so worried something bad is going to happen to my first fish. I'm going to get all the kits needed (i got a PH one and it came up 7.5) and also need to get some ammonia (?) and then after a few weeks, it should be ready for fish... right? (?)

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read iggy's cycling recipe, for real, it'll give you everything you need and if you want more info on why you are doing this go to the top of the freshwater begginers thread thing and look at the stickies and it should tell you almost everything you need to know about cycling and what you need. not trying to be mean but you keep asking everyone for a full list when its all summarized for you in the stickies and i've probably given you the link like 3 times, read it! :) (you will understand, if you dont come back and ask)