Best Ich Medicine?

Oct 1, 2011
Columbia, MO
I used Melafix in my 90 gallon tank because my 2 Tiger Oscars got the Ich (badly, too). My Red Bay Snook is fine, but the Oscars were looking pathetic. Doses were 45ml once a daiy, and every 3 days or so some aquarium salt. I have used it all up by now and they are more energetic (and eating normally), but one of them still has eye pop and the other has white spots all over :mad:

What is the best Ich medicine in your opinion, and what else can I use to supplement their recovery? Any immuno-boosters?

ps. just ordered a canister filter to go with my bio-wheel. I imagine this will help dramatically.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Many of the people this forum use the heat method - turn temp up slowly to 85 degrees and then vacuum everyday to get rid of the spores. You can search the forum for other advice, but as near as I can tell that is as successful as any of the methods.

Oct 1, 2011
Columbia, MO
Many of the people this forum use the heat method - turn temp up slowly to 85 degrees and then vacuum everyday to get rid of the spores. You can search the forum for other advice, but as near as I can tell that is as successful as any of the methods.
I did a water change (more than 50 percent!) and vaccuumed the crap out of it (literally). The temperature is set to 83 right now. The water is looking much better, as with every water change... will see what happens. Also, stopping @ Walmart soon to get some QuickFix...

Furthermore, I have heard that netting the Tiger Oscars (a cichlid) and medicating them directly is a good method.. they are hardy enough, right? Haven't tried it yet, just looking for some imput.


Superstar Fish
I like the temp treatment the best. Daily vac and water changes work great with the temp jacked up to the mid 80's. Weekly water changes will help insure your fish stay healthy. I have three oscars in a 125G and have to change about 70g of water a week to keep the nitrates good.